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The first couple weeks of school had flown by. Billy, Scarlet and Stu had been training and getting ready for all of this to go down. Scarlet was also let in on the reason why all of this is happening, which she was a little confused about but once Billy showed her the tape of Maureen having sex with not only Billy’s father Hank but Scarlet’s father Patrick as well. Scarlet wasn’t really that shocked about it, “my parents haven’t really loved each other for a long time now. My mom is having an affair with someone as well.” she shrugged. “I think we should do some investigating.” Stu smirked as they sat in Billy’s room “well I know it’s someone she went to high school with, because apparently they dated when they were in high school.” Scarlet said “I can probably find her old yearbook.” she added. Billy and Stu started teaching Scarlet where to stab and how deep to go as well. The boys had also bought her an outfit just in case. Scarlet was at home looking through the attic trying to see if she can find anything, she smirked finding a yearbook and a photo album. Scarlet made it back to her room as Jane came through the front door yelling about how Steve is a pig and she’s done with him. Scarlet laughed as she sat on her bed going through the yearbook first looking at all the people that signed seeing a note that someone left that read, 


I’m so sorry that I hurt you, but please don’t get rid of her. I will always love you

Maybe we’ll find our way back to each other someday.

Always yours  


she read over the message a couple more times, but she couldn’t figure out what they were talking about, who’s her? and why was her mom getting rid of her?  She questioned. Scarlet grabbed the photo album and started going through all the pictures. She smiled as she saw pictures of her mother with her old friends, or pics of her mom by herself at the beach. She continued looking, she turned the page and gasped as she saw her mother standing in front of a man who had his arms wrapped around her waist his hands laying flat on her little baby bump, she looked at the man's face realising that the man in the picture is her principal Mr.Himbry. Scarlet grabbed the picture putting it in her pocket before racing out of the house, she ran all the way to Billy's house. She got to the front door and started to bang on the door. “Woah, what’s wrong?” Billy asked as he answered the door “I know who my mom dated in high school.” she breathed, handing him the picture. Billy looked at the picture shocked, “Wait, when did your mom have Jane?” Billy asked, she looked at him “I think she was 17 maybe 18.” she said then it dawned on her “she’s pregnant with Jane in this picture.” she says as Billy nods “so that means Himbry is her father.” he added, Scarlet looked at the picture trying to come to terms that the man that assaulted her, could be her sisters father. Scarlet went home letting Billy keep the picture so they can use it later on. She walked into the house seeing her mom sitting in the living room talking to someone on the phone. She just walked into the kitchen to get food before going up to her bedroom. When she got into her room she set her food down and quickly hid the books so no one knew where they were. "Scarlet, Jane come down here, now." Linda called from downstairs. Both girls walked downstairs seeing their mother sitting in the kitchen with their father. "Girls take a seat." Patrick said to his daughters. Scarlet sits next to her dad leaving Jane to sit next to their mother, "girls, we are getting a divorce." Linda says. Scarlet looked at her parents as Jane started to whine about coming from a broken home and how no one will love her. "Why?" Scarlet asked as Jane sobbed "well, girls I guess you both are old enough to know now, your father and I don't love each other. I've gone back to my old boyfriend and well your father had a girlfriend but something happened." Linda shrugged "your old boyfriend?" Jane asked looking at her mom "yes, your biological father." She said causing Jane to faint. Scarlet looked at her sister than her mother "who?" She asked even though she knew already, "his name is Alan, Alan Himbry." She says. Scarlet stood up and walked out of the room, not caring that her parents were calling after her.

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