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Billy, Scarlet and Stu hung around Stu’s place bugging his older sister.
"Stu will you knock it off?" Leslie said trying to push her brother away from her. Scarlet cuddled into Billy as they watched the siblings argue back and forth. "I'm not doing anything am I SAW?" Stu called to the girl, who looked at him "I'm not getting into this one." She laughed shaking her head. "Billy, your girlfriend won't help me." Stu whined to the boy, who looked at the taller boy with a raised eyebrow "You're point?" He asks smirking as he sees Leslie sneaking away while Stu was distracted. Scarlet laughed as she got up going into the kitchen grabbing three beers and chips even though it was 12pm, she walked back into living room handing a beer to each of the boys and setting the chips down before sitting back down next to Billy. "Where did my sister go?" Stu asks looking around as Scarlet laughed and Billy chuckled "she left awhile ago mister tantrum." Scarlet said as she drinks her beer as Stu pouts before laughing "so I was thinking we could go to the lake today." He says causing Scarlet's eyes to light up before she turned to her boyfriend. "Let's go." Billy sighed standing up "I think I still have your bathing suits here." Stu said getting up and running to the laundry room to check. He came back tossing Billy his and handing Scarlet hers so they could change. He then went up to his room to get changed and came back with three towels "Let's go." He yelled running out of the house leaving the other two shaking their heads at their friend. The ride to the lake was filled with very off key singing from Stu and laughter from Scarlet who just egged him on as Billy drove shaking his head at the two. They got to the lake and parked the car getting out and grabbing their things "last one in is a rotten egg." Stu called as he took off for the dock. Scarlet looked at Billy before taking off laughing as she heard Billy running after her. He tackled her into the lake as he caught up to her. "Thanks." She laughs as they surfaced splashing the boy as Stu laughed. "Are you two excited for school?" Scarlet asked as she floated around "it's school." Billy shrugged "nope." Stu said as he jumped in. The three friends laughed and enjoyed their day at the lake, "we should probably head back." Stu said. Scarlet climbed onto the dock "is Stu afraid of the lake at night?" She mocked as they headed to the car "want to go get some movies?" Stu asks as they dry off and change. The three made it to blockbuster seeing Randy running around like a chicken with his head cut off, Stu snuck off behind the boy knocking the stack of movies out of his hands laughing "thanks Stu." Randy groaned bending to pick up the movies. Scarlet giggled as her and Billy made their way to the horror movies, they picked up a few as Stu tormented Randy. The three made their way back to Stu’s house to watch the movies. After watching most of the movies the three were passed out in the living room as Leslie walked in shaking her head as she kicked Stu’s foot causing him to move and try to curl up causing him to fall to the floor. Scarlet sat up looking around seeing Leslie "oh hey."she said before laying back down cuddling into Billy who just wrapped an arm around her. The three teens woke up going into the kitchen to find food "I should probably head home before Jane tells my parents that I wasn't home." Scarlet sighed "I can give you a ride." Billy yawned, she nodded her "thanks." She said with a smile. Billy and Scarlet left, "looks like she's waiting for you." Billy said as they pulled up to the house seeing Jane sitting on the porch glaring at the car. Scarlet leaned over giving Billy a  kiss before getting out of the car. "SCARLET ANNE, YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE." Jane screamed. Billy waited to see what would happen, Scarlet walked up to the porch ignoring her sister as she turned and waved to Billy who finally drove off. Scarlet walked into the house heading up to her room "are you listening to me you little slut?" Jane asked. Scarlet froze at the words before spinning around "I AM NOT A SLUT! IF ANYONE IS A SLUT HERE IT'S YOU." She yelled in Jane's face before storming into her room slamming the door.

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