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The three teens got in their places, ready to start the game. Billy started the call waiting for someone to answer, Scarlet was waiting for the signal to make her move. Linda picked up the phone "hello?" She sniffed "hello?" Billy asked in the voice changer "who is this?" Linda asked, Billy held in a laugh "that doesn't matter, how are you Mrs Walker?" He asked in a taunting voice "it's you, you killed my Janey." She gasped. Billy laughed, "you know she cried and begged me to not kill her." Billy cackled, Linda screamed into the phone "YOU BASTARD, WHO ARE YOU?" She screamed. "SHUT UP BEFORE I COME IN THERE AND GUT YOU!" Billy growled at her. Scarlet giggled from her spot as she watched her mother from a window. "Why did you kill her?" Linda asked, sounding defeated "she's a bitch that didn't know her place. Just like her hoe bag parents." Billy said before hanging up the phone. Stu appeared behind Linda smacking her head off the counter. Scarlet walked over to her mothers body that now layed on the floor, she smirked as she bent down with her mask over her face. She stabbed her mother in the shoulder “your little oh so perfect boyfriend isn’t as perfect as you thought mommy dearest, he assaulted your youngest daughter.” she said, stabbing her again “HE HURT ME MOMMY!!!” she screamed, before looking at Billy through the window who winked at her. The three raced out of the house knowing that they had to deal with Himbry, Scarlet smirked as she walked into the school seeing a few students but no teachers. Billy and Stu made their way in using a side door meeting up with Scarlet before going into the office. Scarlet waited outside seeing Fred the Janitor "hello, Fred" she waved "Hello, miss Scarlet." He said before walking into a classroom.  Billy and Stu smirked as they knocked on Himbry's office door before hiding watching him come out then going back into his office, Stu chuckled before watching Scarlet hide under the secretary's desk giving him a thumbs up. Stu knocked again before hiding, Himbry came out looking around before going into the hall muttering to himself, before storming back into his office. He looked around, noticing his closet door closed. He slowly pulled it open, noticing his leather jacket that was inside was now gone, "looking for something?" Scarlet questioned as she stood in the doorway with the jacket on. Himbry smirked, "what are you doing here?" He asked, Scarlet laughed "watching you die." She said as Billy pushed past the office door and striked. Himbry yells as Billy stabs him, before holding him down Scarlet smirks "soon you'll be all mine." She mocked what he had told her at the end of last year. She held the knife up over her head and stabbed him 10 times, five in the chest and five in the stomach, the whole time she had a grin on her face watching the life leave him. The two boys picked up the man, taking him out to the football field getting ready to hoist him up on the goal post. After getting him up there the three left making sure no one saw them, "where to?" Billy asks "well it’s almost party time so I guess Stu’s." Scarlet smirked, "What about your mom?" Stu questioned. But all Scarlet did was smirk knowing her mother was long gone from those two shoulder stabs. Billy pulled up to Stu’s seeing a bunch of cars already there, Stu raced inside finding Tatum "about damn time." She said, rolling her eyes as she continued to sort out food. Scarlet walked over to her "need help?" She asked. Tatum smiled and nodded "so I heard that your mom is dating Himbry is that true?" She asked. Scarlet sighed and nodded "yeah, they dated in high school apparently. He's also Jane's dad." she said, causing Tatum to gasp “really? Does your mom know what he did to you?” she whispered, leaning in towards her best friend. Scarlet nodded her head “she knew.” she said as she poured out pretzels into a bowl hearing cheers coming from the next room causing her to laugh "Randy brought movies?" She asks causing Tatum for laugh and nod "oh yeah, oh and he brought a date." She said. Scarlet looked at her before rushing to the living room,  seeing Randy sitting on the couch with his arm around a girl that Scarlet had seen before at the video store. Tatum moved past her to go sit next to Stu, who wrapped his arm around her "did you grab me a beer?" He asked causing Tatum to roll her eyes "what am I, your beer wench?" She asks before getting up. Scarlet looked around not seeing Billy anywhere, "he's dealing with Tatum." Stu’s voice whispered causing her to jump "Holy crap, make some noise would you." She joked "wait what?" She whispered pulling him into the empty kitchen "She wasn't on the list." She growled as Stu laughed "no, she's just going to be knocked out with a few none fatal wounds." He whispered to her as she nodded before going back into the living room as the phone rang, Randy answered it "hello?" He asked his words only a little slurred "Holy crap really?" He asked before turning to everyone hanging up the phone "they found Himbry's body hung up on the goal post all gutted." He said excitedly. The rest of the kids all quickly got up "Let's go before they take him down." One said as they started to leave. The girl that Randy was with smirked "we could always just stay here and drink, maybe have a little fun." She suggested, Scarlett bit back a smirk as she could see Randy gulp. Scarlett went back into the kitchen seeing Dewey and Gale Weathers moving past the window "uh oh." She muttered as she followed them leaving the door open, she watched them "when did they get here?" Billy asks coming outside "not sure, but they need to either leave or die." She said as he held up his knife. Scarlet grabbed it cutting her shoulder and then stabbing her side letting out a scream before giving the knife back to Billy "come get me." She smirks running towards Dewey and Gale. Billy smirked putting on the mask before chasing her, Scarlet yelled for help.

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