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Scarlet woke up looking around seeing white walls and hearing an annoying beeping noise. "Billy? Stu? Tatum?" She called trying to sit up only to hiss in pain. "Oh Miss Walker you're finally awake, how are you feeling?" A nurse asks rushing over to help her sit up. "Where's my boyfriend and my friends?" she groaned ignoring her question, the nurse smiled "your friends are just coming out of their surgeries. both of them did very well," she said. Scarlet looked at her "which ones? who's coming out of surgery?" she asked grabbing the nurse's hand so she couldn't leave. the nurse looked down at the girl's hand clutched around her wrist "Miss Walker, you're hurting me." she winced. Scarlet loosened her grip "please I need to know." she begged. The nurse sighed "Miss Riley is fine she just needed a couple of stitches and a wrist brace, Mr. Macher was a bit difficult he had some deep wounds but he is fine, and Mr. Loomis well he has a few deep wounds as well as he flat-lined on the table but they brought him back but he's in a coma." the nurse said ripping her arm from Scarlet's grip. Scarlet gasped feeling tears start to build in her eyes, "I need to see him." she said softly. the nurse shook her head "I'm sorry, I can't allow that." she said. Scarlet looked at her "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU  CAN AND CAN'T ALLOW! I NEED TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND." Scarlet yelled attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway outside her room. "Nurse Janet, what seems to be the problem?" a doctor came in. "oh Dr. Jensen, this patent would like to see her boyfriend, but I just explained that I can't allow it." Nurse Janet explained. Dr. Jensen smiled at Scarlet "Miss Walker, if you give me 20 minutes I can take you to see Mr. Loomis. we are just running some tests on him at the moment, since he just woke up." he explained. Scarlet nodded "ok, thank you." she said leaning back on the bed. The nurse and the doctor left the room leaving Scarlet to her thoughts, she lay on the bed looking at the ceiling as someone walked in "Miss Walker, can we talk?" Sheriff Burke asks knocking on the door, Scarlet nodded as she looked at him "before we start, I just wanted to let you know that your father is on his way. Since we um found your mother killed in your home." He says looking at the girl. Scarlet looked at him in tears "she's dead?" She asks her voice cracking at the end. Sheriff Burke sighed and nodded his head "I'm very sorry, this must be very difficult with Jane being murdered now your mother." he said. Scarlet nodded "thank you, Sheriff Burke, I can tell you what I remember from last night." she said before going into a partially made up version of the night before, telling him how they were having a little get-together and all of a sudden Neil Prescott showed up dressed as Ghostface and attacked Tatum then went after her and Billy. "wait how did you know it was Neil?" He asked her, Scarlet sighed "He ditched the costume after he had Randy, Billy, Stu and I trapped in the house." She said as she frowned. Sheriff Burke nodded and she continued "He stabbed me in the shoulder and stomach before going after Randy and his girlfriend, I passed out so I'm not sure what happened but I did wake up just before the police and ambulance got there, Neil said he blamed us for Sidney's death and he had been plotting for a while." She said "he killed Randy and then went after Billy, Stu and I"  She cried as the doctor came in "oh I'm sorry to interrupt but Scarlet you can see Mr. Loomis." Dr. Jensen said wheeling in a wheelchair. Sheriff Burke nodded "I need to talk to Miss Riley anyway." He said leaving, Scarlet slowly got into the chair with Dr. Jensen's help. Billy lay in his hospital bed feeling tired but he wanted to know if his girlfriend and his best friend were ok. "Mr.Loomis, you have a visitor." Dr. Jensen smiled as he opened the door, Billy sat up "who?" He asked then smiled as he saw Scarlet being wheeled in. "Scar, you ok?" He asked her she smiled as the Dr. Wheeled her up to his bed "I'm ok, how are you feeling?" She asked as she reached for his hand, "I'm sore, but I'll be ok." He said, wincing as he moved his arm. Scarlet looked at him "has Sheriff Burke come to talk to you?" She asked, he shook his head "not yet. Did he talk to you?" He asked her as she nodded. The two sat and talked as nurses wheeled in another person "hey you two." Stu’s tired voice called as the nurses hooked up the machine, "stu how you feeling?" Scarlet asked from her spot next to Billy’s bed "I'm ok, Mr. Prescott is a real ass." He laughed looking at Billy who smirked at his best friend. Tatum was brought in after she finished talking to Sheriff Burke. Scarlet looked at the girl seeing the tear stains on her cheeks, Scarlet wheeled herself over to her best friend "Tate, I heard about Dewey, I'm so sorry." She said touching the girl's arm. "He wouldn't have even been there if it wasn't for me going to the damn party." Tatum cried. Scarlet felt bad for the girl but she knew that it had to be done, "Tate you can't blame yourself." Scarlet said. "Yeah, babe listen to SAW." Stu said from his bed. "Well, it looks like we get to call this the survivor's room." Dr. Jensen chuckled as he and another nurse wheeled in Scarlet's bed and then helped her into it. "Also Mr. Macher your sister and parents just got here." The Dr said as Stu gulped "they are going to be so mad at me." He mumbled. Scarlet turned to Billy "hey what was Randy talking about he was right?" She asked, Billy sighed "Well, before the party Stu and I went to the video store." He started to tell her.

(One more chapter than we are done with this store. ~ Steph)

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