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School  had gotten crazy, kids were showing up in masks. Himbry played it off as a tragedy but he didn't look sad at all, if anything he looked happy and excited. Scarlet could see through the man, especially when he was still trying to corner her. Billy and Stu had both had just about enough of Himbry and his stalking Scarlet, but they had to stick to the plan. The next person on their list was actually Jane, Scarlet was very excited. She knew that technically she couldn’t be there but she was planning on making Jane feel horrible before her death. Scarlet smiled as she walked into the house, seeing Jane sitting in the living room, "Hey Slut how's your psycho boyfriend?" Jane asked. Scarlet rolled her eyes "Steve's dead remember? Oh wait he wasn't psycho, his ex girlfriend is." Scarlet sneered going into the kitchen but stopping dead as she came face to face Himbry. "Oh Scarlet, well um this is." Linda started to say "principal Himbry." Scarlet said feeling sick "I have homework." She said running up the stairs to her room locking her bedroom door. She leaned against the door with her eyes closed, her breathing hard. "You ok?" Billy’s voice pulled her back, she opened her eyes seeing Billy and Stu standing there. Scarlet raced over to Billy "he's downstairs." She cried into her boyfriend's chest. Billy held his girlfriend, his eye twitching as he looked at Stu seeing the taller boy growling. The three teens sat so Scarlet could calm down, "Let's get out of here." Scarlet smirked as she stood up going to her door with Billy and Stu right behind her, the three walked downstairs seeing her mom sitting with Himbry and Jane watching tv, Himbry looked up from his spot seeing Scarlet holding Billy’s hand, he glared “oh would you three like to join us?” he asked, causing Linda and Jane to look at the three “yes, kids.” Linda said but Scarlet shook her head “we’re actually going to pick up Tatum and go back to Stu’s.” she said “uh Linny, do you think that’s a good idea?” Himbry asked, looking at her. Linda looked at him before turning back to Scarlet, “I’m sorry but, Alan is right. Scarlet I’m not letting you leave this house with a killer on the loose.” Linda said. Scarlet laughed before grabbing her jacket and turning back to her mother “well it’s a good thing I’m done listening to a whore and I definitely don’t listen to paedophiles.” she glared at Himbry before leaving with Billy and Stu who were trying not to laugh. They got out to Billy’s car, Scarlet turned to see her mother and Himbry standing on the porch yelling at her. The three made it to Tatum’s seeing Randy and Tatum going inside “well I think we might be able to have some fun. '' Scarlet smirked, turning to the boys. Billy pulled out the voice changer and phone before they parked the car away from the house,  Scarlet smirked, but it quickly turned into a frown, seeing the two teens leaving. "Well, we could always go back and mess with Jane." Stu smirked as the other two nodded their heads. Billy drove back to Scarlets, seeing that Linda's car wasn't there anymore. Billy parked down the street, Scarlet smirked as the three of them got ready. She knew that she was going to get her sister back for all the crap she put her through. Stu hid in the hall closet as Scarlet and Billy hid outside in the backyard, She dialed her number, waiting for Jane to pick up. "Hello?" Jane's voice came through the phone."Hello Jane." Billy says into the voice changer."Who is this?" Jane asks, obviously not picking up on the voice. " That doesn't matter, I want to play a game." Billy said "oh I like games." Jane says happily. "I know you do, but this one, you have to win to survive." He smirked as he noticed her breathing change. Scarlet smirked as she held the phone, Jane was nervous. "ok?" She said,"Here's the rules. You get two chances to answer the question you answer wrong the first time someone you love dies, you answer the second time wrong, and you die." Billy smirks as Jane starts to cry. "Are you ready?" He asks, Jane gulps."Yes." She says, gripping the phone. Billy smiles. "What's the name of the killer in Friday the 13th?” he asks, the colour in Jane’s face drains “I don’t watch that crap.” she says “is that your answer?” Billy asked, looking at the girl through one of the many downstairs windows “no no.” Jane said quickly “oh what’s his name?” she mumbled “Scarlet I need your help.” she called out, almost shocking the two on the other side of the phone call, “wasn’t his name like Frank or Myers or something?” she said Billy chuckled “I’m sorry Jane, her name was Pamela Voorhees.” he said before nodding at Scarlet “Jane you dum” Scarlet yelled before going silent “Scar?” Jane called, Scarlet screamed into the phone before she quickly put her hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing “what are you doing to my sister?” Jane called “well I told you if you got it wrong, someone love dies.” Billy said, “I’m calling the cops.” Jane said, hanging up the phone, but Scarlet was quicker with redialling “hello?” Jane said, “hang up on me again, and I'll come in there and gut you just like I did to your sister.” Billy growled, causing Jane to cry “leave me alone.” Jane sobbed “I want to see your insides.” Billy taunted the girl, causing her to hang up again. Stu appeared behind Jane at that point, quickly stabbing her. Scarlet and Billy made their way inside, Jane tried to get away, but Stu got on top of her, stabbing her over and over. Scarlet laughed as she watched Stu stops handing her, his knife as she leans over the body stabbing her sister in the sternum "you stupid whore, I hate you." Scarlet growled as she moved the knife down, Billy watched his girlfriend seeing the look in her eye as she cut her sister. Scarlet grabbed the knife and stood up, turning to the boys with a huge smirk on her face "that felt good." She said as she looked at her sister. The three teens grabbed all their things and left quickly after they hung Jane from the banister.  Billy dropped Stu off at home, before driving back to his place with Scarlet; the two got into the house seeing Billy’s dad passed out in the living room, "we should shower." Billy whispers before heading up the stairs. Scarlet dried her hair as she sat on Billy’s bed waiting for him to come back with food, "so how do you feel?" He asks her as he set the popcorn and drinks down. She grinned "it feels amazing, I feel free." She laughs. The two fell asleep only to be woken up by the house phone ringing but they ignored it going back to sleep. Scarlet and Billy got up having breakfast before heading to pick up Stu.

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