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Billy and Stu made their way into the video store seeing Randy talking with a group of teens. Billy rolled his eyes before going to look at the different horror movies, he needed some more inspiration. Randy saw the two walk-in not thinking much of it as he went back to talking to the group about some new horror movie that was coming out. Stu walked closer to the group trying to hear what Randy was saying. "So Randy, who do you think is the killer?" A girl with brown hair Stu couldn't remember her name. "Well, obviously it's gotta be someone, who is close to the victims." He said eyeing Stu. Stu rolled his eyes as he walked over to Billy who had a few movies in his hand "Oh we watching movies tonight?" Stu asked looking at the films "Scar and I are yes." Billy said pushing the taller boy away. Randy walked over to the two "How's Scar?" He asked, "Why do you want to know?" Stu asked as Billy looked at the boy "She's my friend, and I heard that they found her sister." Randy said. Billy laughed "Yeah, she’s fine. She and Jane never got along remember?" He asked causing Randy to shrug "Yeah I know, but I mean it's still her sister." He said. Billy walked over to the checkout, leaving Stu and Randy "I swear he's the killer." Randy said to Stu who laughed "Oh yeah? They thought you were the killer last year remember?" He asked, "Besides why would he want to kill his own girlfriend's sister?" Stu added. Randy sighed " There's always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend or her family. That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides, if it's too complicated you lose your target audience." He said. Randy went to turn around not noticing Billy had just returned "How do we know that you're, not the killer?" Billy asked grabbing Randy's shirt "Uh...hi Billy" Randy squeaked "Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button?" Billy asked as Stu moved closer to Randy so he couldn't run, Randy shrugged and laughed a little "You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect." He said nodding his head. Stu laughed "And what would your motive be?" He asks "It's the millennium, motives are incidental." Randy said looking between the two other boys. Billy smiled and chuckled "The millennium good kid." He said before patting Randy's cheek and walking away with Stu right behind him. Randy breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the two walk out.

*End of Flashback*

Scarlet looked at Billy "Really?" She laughed and then groaned, Billy wanted to help her but he was basically bound to his bed. "I am so glad you four are ok." Mrs. Macher said as she came into the room rushing over to her son hugging him "Heather calm down." Mr. Macher chuckled at seeing Stu’s pain-filled face. "Jack, he's our baby boy." Heather said trying to pinch Stu’s cheek. "Mom stop," Stu whined causing everyone in the room to chuckle minus Stu who was pouting. The Machers sat and talked with the kids until visiting hours were over. Scarlet sighed "so do you think life is going to be different now?" She asked as Billy moved to try and get out of his bed "Billy what the hell are you doing?" She asked watching him "shush, I'm fine." He groaned as he moved over to her bed sitting down "to answer your question yes it will be different, especially with the question I'm about to ask you." He said "Scarlet Anne Walker will you marry me?" He asked taking the ring he had on his pinky off holding it out to her. Scarlet smiled and nodded starting to cry "of course." She said as Tatum and Stu both cheered.

(Well that is the end of our story. I'm sorry for the crap ending, but I'm still deciding if I want to make a sequel or not. But I just want to say thank you so much again for all the reads and votes I appreciate it so much. I love you all~Steph)

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