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School was about to start. The group of friends sat at the mall after shopping for their last-minute school things, "did you hear Steve was cheating on Casey?" Randy asked, "With who?" Tatum asked, "Probably my whore of a sister." Scarlet said while eating a French fry not looking at anyone, "Is she still mad about him breaking up with her?" Tatum asked, sipping her coke, Scarlet shrugged "She's always bitching about something so who knows." She said, Stu looked at Billy who nodded "We should probably head out." Billy said standing up helping Scarlet up, holding her hand in his, causing Tatum to squeal "When did you two become a thing?" She asked, Scarlet blushed, "beginning of summer." She said, causing Tatum to go wide-eyed "And you didn't tell me?" She asked, Scarlet shrugged "Sorry Tate." She said feeling slightly bad for not telling her best friend. Tatum waved it off "Totally forgiven, I've been gone most of this summer thanks to cheer camp." She said rolling her eyes. The three-headed out after Stu kissed Tatum, Billy, and Scarlet started walking leaving Stu to catch up. "Are you ready for the first day?" Billy asks as they get to the car, Scarlet sighed before shaking her head "I don't want to see him." She whispered wrapping her arms around herself, Billy had a hard look on his face at her words as Stu came running up to them breathing hard "You couldn't have waited for me?" He asks Scarlet smiled slightly. Billy dropped Scarlet off at her place promising to come by later, Stu was dancing in his seat as they pulled up to Billy's house "Will you calm down?" Billy groans as he gets out slamming the door. The boys went up to Billy's room "Alright so who's first?" Stu asks as soon as the doors closed, Billy pulls out a notebook from under his dresser. Stu grabbed it opening it to the page seeing

Casey Becker
Steve Orth
Jane Walker
Randy Meeks

Stu smirked as he read the page "When are we starting this?" He asked, Billy smirked, "I'm thinking we can start in a few weeks, but the final kills will be on the anniversary." He said flipping to a different page in the notebook. The boys went and made sure that they had their outfits and had everything they would need, they even had been practicing their stabbing skills. "Do you think we should tell SAW?" Stu asks sitting on the floor, Billy sighed "I've been wondering about that for a while, we'll ease her into it." He said with a nod. Billy dropped Stu off at his place before heading to see Scarlet, he parked the car down the block and walked to her house climbing up to her bedroom window. "You do know I have a front door," Scarlet said from her bed. Billy chuckled as he kicked off his shoes and tossed his jacket on her chair before climbing onto the bed with her, he pulled her closer to him "I have to tell you something." He said she quickly sat up letting his arms fall to her waist "You didn't cheat on me did you?" She asks causing him to sit up as well "No, do you think I would really cheat on you?" He asked his anger growing, Scarlet looked away from him "Well you're hot and popular so it would make sense." She said her voice cracking. Billy got up moving so he was in front of her on the floor, "I love you, no I didn't cheat on you. But I need to tell you something is going to happen. I want you to be prepared." He said as she looked at him confused. "What's going to happen?" She asks him but Billy just ignored her getting back on the bed and pulling her back with him. The two fell asleep only waking up when Jane came barging in "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" She yelled scaring the two on the bed "Jane what do you want?" Scarlet yawned trying to lay back down but Jane ran over to her younger sister grabbed her hair and pulled her off the bed. Billy growled getting off the bed "Let her go now." He said looking at Jane with so much hate and disgust in his eyes but Jane smirked as she yanked on the hair causing Scarlet to let out a scream and try to get free. Billy went to his jacket and pulled out the knife "I said let her go now!" He said stepping closer to the girls, Jane looked at the knife "You don't have the balls to use that." She laughed at him "Do you want to test that?" He asks twirling the knife in his hand. Jane let go of the hair pushing Scarlet away from her before leaving. Billy went and locked the bedroom door before going over to his girl and kneeling down, Scarlet looks at the knife in his hand before looking at him "Were you going to kill her?" She asks, Billy looked at her before sighing "Cause if you were I can help." She smiles causing Billy to smirk "I think we've got some training to do." He says pecking her lips.

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