7. black and white film camera

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song: Gorgeous by Taylor Swift

"Bit more to the left" Harry says, squinting through the lens. "Maybe lean against it... great, and then you can- no wait that's good" He snaps a picture with a smile on his lips that he for the life of him cannot hide.

If you'd ask him, he wouldn't really be able to tell you how they got into this position. Somehow it just kind of happened. All he remembers is that Louis came back from the shower as Harry worked on a sand castle, Harry mockingly asked him if he'd jerked off to the thought of him and Louis shrugged, moved down to add another tower to Harry's castle and said yes.

Then one moment they decided to stay at that beach for the night because there are lounge chairs they could sleep on instead of sleeping in the sand for once, the next moment they were hiding behind the small rocks when some people cleared the beach out and closed it for the night, then they were playing stupid games that you play with your siblings on a long car ride. And now Harry is taking pictures of Louis, looking at him through the lens and hoping it covers his own amazement.

The moonlight is shining down on them and everything around them is dark and empty but still comfortably warm, calming. It started out as a joke, Louis teasing Harry about his camera and how it would be a shame if it wouldn't have pretty pictures on it.

Harry then grabbed it, turned it on and snapped a picture of Louis mid-talking, open mouthed. They laughed at it and Louis demanded a second chance. After a second came a third and then a fourth and Harry doesn't remember when it stopped being a joke. All he knows is that they moved around the beach and started out various ideas of backgrounds for Louis to be in front of.

Louis sometimes acts serious, then he pulls funny faces a second later. The problem is that both of those options are equally bad. Because when he acts serious, looks right at the camera with his cheekbones standing out extremely impressively in the moonlight and his eyes look like icy stars, Harry feels kind of... weak in his knees, so to say. But then the next second he can't stop smiling behind the camera because Louis goes cross-eyed and sticks his tongue out.

Louis is still shirtless, currently leaning against the rock that they were hiding behind, one arm stretched above his head to grip the stone, making his bicep flex a little, the other hand stuffed into the left pocket of his jeans. Which causes the hem of them to drag down slightly, exposing the most delicate V-line Harry has ever seen. Not that he's looking.

Well, he is looking. He has to, as the photographer. It wouldn't make sense to not look at him while taking pictures with him, and it wouldn't make sense either not to look at him when he outdoes every single Calvin Klein model there ever was.

Harry's throat suddenly feels a little dry as he subtly zooms out and tilts the camera down a little, taking a perfect shot of the moonlight casting shadows onto Louis' abs. There are small sand corns on his skin, which make him look a little more real. And that's good. Harry was already starting to think the heat makes him hallucinate things. Louis seems to know what's going on, because he lets out a quiet chuckle and pushes his hips off the stone to stretch his torso longer. The way he arches his back against the rock makes Harry lose his mind, professionally.

"Do you want them off, love?"

Louis' voice cuts through Harry's trance and his eyes focus enough to see both of Louis' hands wandering to the button and the fly of his jeans. That's what eventually makes Harry lower the camera so that it hangs around his neck and look up at Louis through his own eyes.

He only manages to shake his head, not really able to form words. If he could, he would tell him to shut that arrogant cocky mouth of his, and that he's not as special as he thinks he is. But maybe it's quite good he doesn't find words, because maybe he'd also tell him that he wants his body on his own, that Louis has caused reactions of Harry's body within the last five minutes that he didn't think were possible.

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