19. riot america

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Song: baby blue by Luke Hemmings

So. That's how Harry ends up in Greece in the company of Louis motherfucking Tomlinson. The two of them stand on a wooden pier, the dark water splashing softly against the planks. And in front of them is a very expensive looking sailing yacht owned by none other than the millionaire actor Robert Downey Jr.

And Louis is holding the keys in his hands, slightly wiggling them around so that the soft sound cuts through the silence of the night that engulfed them every since the heavy front doors of the mansion fell close behind them.

Harry slowly turns his head to Louis, who meets his gaze after only a second. They look at each other quietly for a heartbeat, then break down laughing.

"What is life?" Louis hiccups, leaning on Harry as he curls down to hold his stomach. "I mean seriously."

"I wish someone would believe us about this night."

Louis clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Nobody will." There is still a very evident slur in both their voices. After all, Louis smoked two joints today and Harry half, then so much champagne he doesn't even remember what he drank after that.

"So what do we name her." Louis says and it sounds more like a statement than a question. None of them have made a move to actually get onto the boat and try out if the key works. There are several yachts in this little private harbour, but Mr Downey was so kind to describe it to them. They just stand there and look at it, the moonlight putting a ghostly white glow onto the white of the outside.

"Vitamin sea." Harry prompts, glancing at Louis. He just wants to make him laugh, because making Louis laugh is better than any drug he could consume.

Louis does in fact let out a small chuckle, tilting his head to the side in consideration as he looks at the boat. "Or the wet dream."

Harry can't stop his drunken hazy mind from thinking that that would be a better name for Louis himself. Look at him. He clears his throat and tears his eyes away from Louis' figure in the moonlight. "Or pier pressure."

"Aboat damn time," Louis muses, looking deep in thought.

"Water you looking at."

Louis snorts out another laugh. "Usain boat."

"That's good." Harry considers, chewing on his bottom lip. It feels weirdly funny in his stomach, how they match each other's humour so well that they can talk about this as if it was the most important topic of the world. "What about The FriendShip."

At that, Louis only scoffs, breaking his trance and moving forward, taking a big step onto the boat. "Yeah, hell of a friendship, this one, Milky Way." With that, he extends a hand to Harry, raising one eyebrow playfully.

Harry only gapes at  him for a second, then a giddy smile breaks down on his face and he takes Louis' hand for support while also climbing onto the yacht.

Call Harry's ego inflated, but Louis definitely feels this too. There's no way he isn't.

It makes him almost physically gasp for air how there's always a moment between them, then nothing for a while and then Louis drops a hint of 'we both felt that, right?' And then they never talk about it again. Just like now, Louis lets go of Harry's hand as soon as he's safely on the boat, walking further onto the deck and swaying slightly. Well, the entire yacht is swaying a little, but Louis and Harry sway even more with how intoxicated they are.

"So." Louis announces, his voice sounding from a bit further away from where Harry is looking around the deck. "Let's set sail."

Harry's brows furrow in their own, because he totally forgot about that part. "Wait, we don't know how-"

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