21. maple syrup

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Song: what a feeling by One Direction

The day goes by in a flash (maybe that's because they woke up at two pm) and then, that evening, they create a memory Harry is never going to forget.

They eat their crepes on top of the cliffs with their legs dangling down, hair messed up by the wind, heads clear and feelings free. In love. Harry is in love. He's been looking at Louis the whole day, trying to engrave every single detail, his exact bone structure and all the little things that make him Louis into his brain. The way he laughs, the way he smiles, the way he talks and the faces he makes when he tells jokes. The way he makes Harry laugh, the way he makes Harry's heart beat faster with a single, innocent touch. With a word, with a glance his way. The way Harry wants nothing more than to crush his world and kiss him. Get to next level already. He wants to be with Louis.

Louis moves his dangling legs in a silent beat while taking a bite, turning to look at Harry. "So."

"So what?" Harry answers with a small smile of his own.

"We've been alone for so long, we don't know what to talk about anymore."

Harry can't help but laugh at that. "We're eating quietly for one minute and you think we ran out of topics?" He shakes his head. "I bet you can get one out of your arse like always."

Louis doesn't even look offended, it's like he takes it as a challenge. "Okay, one second." He takes another bite, then stares at the horizon with concentration on his face. Harry wants to laugh and make fun of him for how seriously he's taking it, but Louis has already found a topic and starts talking. "What's your favourite phrase?"

"Phrase?" Harry repeats in a questioning tone. "What?"

"Like what are some common phrases that just go so hard for no reason?" Louis explains. "I'll give you an example," he hums shortly, then apparently decides on one. "'I'm picking up what you're putting down', love that. Don't even know what exactly it means but I love to use it."

"I know what you mean," Harry chuckles. "But I can't think of one at the top of my head right now."

Louis only tuts. "And you call yourself an English lit student? Okay here's another one," he goes on before Harry can protest. "I love 'little did he know.' Best foreshadowing ever."

"Hmm," Harry makes. "What about 'remains to be seen'?"

"Hey," Louis says with a smile, nudging Harry's side. "You're catching on."

"'That's for me to know and for you to find out'," Harry muses, really feeling like he's getting the hang of how Louis' brain works. The key is to never question it, but to just go along with it.

"Damn you're good," Louis compliments him with his mouth full. "I have another one: 'mind you', before adding context."

"'That's rich coming from you' or 'not to toot my own horn'." Harry says with an index raised into the air.

"Alright, alright you win." Louis says, his voice sounding defeated. "I apologise for calling you a bad English lit student."

"Apology accepted," Harry grins, finishing his crepe.

After eating, they climb further up until they reach the highest point of the island, looking down at the small village on one side and expanses of water on the other, a hundred feet under them. They sit down there on some stones, play ridiculous games and talk about ridiculous things, sing some more (Louis brought the guitar) and dance a little. It's nice. The borders between friends and more kind of blurs, but Harry chooses to ignore that again. He's not even ignoring it just to not face it anymore. He's ignoring it because he actively chooses to live in this world, where he and Louis are more than this. Where they are exactly what Harry hopes they will be soon.

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