17. cocaine, side boob

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Song: stargirl interlude by Lana del Rey and the Weekend

Harry's jaw drops even more, if that's possible. "Erm"

Louis next to him takes a breath, the sort of breath that means he's about to do or say something sassy, but the actor in front of them, the fucking multi millionaire actor interrupts him before he's even started, his eyes ranking over them for a second, "I mean, you're fit, I get why you put the price that high" He takes a sip of his drink. "Five grand... And you said I need to pay cash right?"


Harry elbows Louis in the side so smoothly no one but Louis even notices, whose mouth shuts at that while Harry puts his arm around his shoulder and smiles at the man. "Yes, that's right. It's better for you either way, wouldn't want some scandal, right?"

"Right" The actor laughs and pushes the door open, motioning for them to come in. "Let me show you around"

The foyer alone is huge. Harry supposes this is one of many vacation homes, but it's still elegantly furnished and surely extremely expensive to have someone taking care of when not being here for months at a time. But then again, Harry doesn't know how much free time the actor has and how often he returns to this mansion.

After a few seconds, Harry comes to the conclusion that this house must be used mainly for parties. There is a staircase with a restricted sign but downstairs everything looks perfectly suited for a classy party for rich famous people.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Louis whisper-shouts as they walk after him and past the woman into the house.

"You said maybe we'd have to strip either way. Why not earn five thousand for that?" Harry whispers back, leaning closer to Louis to not be overheard. He keeps his eyes up front and feels how a wide smile slowly spreads over his face. It's exhilarating to be careless and crazy.

"Are you out of your fucking min-"

"Yes I am" Harry smiles and it's true. He is out of his mind. Because he fell for Louis, and now nothing is working anymore.

He's in love and he's stupid and he's still a little high, so yes, of course Harry is out of his mind.

Louis only rolls his eyes, probably realising it's too late to back out now, they would get in deep trouble for lying, and he just accepts his fate and they walk further into Mr Downey's house.

The house, his 'occasional vacation villa', is huge, modern interior that kind of reminds Harry of Tony Stark. There's a huge living room with a piano and a flat screen, big windows showing off a garden that actually ends in a small staircase down to the sea, just like Harry thought it would.

"That's what I call a porn couch" Louis whispers to Harry and Harry bursts out laughing, looking at the white leather U-form couch. It even has cup holders in the armrests.

There's an open doorway, a glance into a white, marble kitchen, everything polished and neat. Then there's a bar / party room. Most people are outside, and while Harry can say everyone he's seen here is beautiful, he hasn't spotted another celebrity he recognised yet. It's way more elegant than any party Harry has ever been to. Somehow, money makes everything look graceful. These people are probably just as drunk as people at college parties, but these are drunk on scotch and whiskey and champagne, one sip about a hundred bucks, while college parties serve vodka and some other nasty stuff. At college parties, you see people smoking weed in corners, here it's cocaine, snorted through a hundred dollar bill. Exactly like the movies.

"You want a drink?" Robert asks and immediately, there's a young, handsome man at his side, tray in his hand.

"Uh, no thanks we're high" Louis says and the man in front of them raises one eyebrow.

Harry feels the deep urge to stomp onto Louis' foot, but that might be quite childish and unprofessional. "It's a ritual, we always smoke some pot to loosen up a bit" He just explains with a smile.

"Alright, do what you gotta do. Any preference? There is a pole dance platform downstairs in the basement, but most people are outside, so"

Harry looks out the window over the garden. There's a pool, lights coloring the water purple. "Some table in the garden is fine"

"Perfect" Robert puts his glass down on the tray and claps his hands together. "I just need you to sign these, some basic nda shit and then you can do whatever you need to do. Feel free to help yourself to anything, whatever you need to prepare yourself or whatever. Don't be shy to ask me for anything, if you can find me that is."

"Thank you so much, sir" After signing papers that legally prevent them from telling anyone anything they see or hear during the night, they're left alone and Harry turns to Louis.

"Not like anybody would believe us." Louis grins and Harry sees that, even after the little delay, he's now equally thrilled about what they're doing. "This is insane." He goes on but bounces on the heels of his feet a little in excitement. Harry can't help but smile at him, the same giddy feeling in his stomach. Love.

"I wanna go first"

"What do you mean?"

"We're not dancing together, right? So I wanna go first"


"You said my life is dull and boring. I'm just being adventurous. And I wanna strip in front of millionaires, what about it?"

Louis gapes at him, looking way too serious for the situation they're in. "You don't need to prove anything, love, I don't think you're boring-"

"Just shut up, I wanna dance" Harry undoes the first three buttons of his button up, Louis' eyes immediately following the movement, gaze locking on the newly exposed skin. "If you don't want to, that's fine" Harry feels quite in the teasing mood, so he leans down until his breath ghosts over Louis' ear. "Then you'll have plenty of time to watch me"

He hears Louis take a sharp breath and lingers there for a second longer, before he's gone entirely, leaving Louis standing where he is while he walks through the living room and out onto the law of the garden.

Table dancing is somehow easier than expected. There's slow, sensual music in the background, some Beyonce, some Rihanna, some The Weekend, stuff like that. Harry is on a table that's about waist-high, his golden boots on the polished surface. He moves slowly, all sensual rolls of his body, closing his eyes as he feels the music sink into his slow working brain. Being high definitely helps right now. If Harry opens his eyes, it's only a tiny bit, some sort of pleasure expression constantly on his face, he looks around the people that stand around him and watch him.

Only vaguely he recognises Chris Hemsworth next to Rdj, and- is that Jennifer Aniston?
Harry quickly closes his eyes again because his first celebrity crush would definitely make him shake and ruin the performance. He unbuttons his shirt entirely, slowly sliding the material partly down his shoulders so it rests at the inside of his elbow.

Then he puts his ring clad fingers on his thighs, hands slowly sliding down the black material of his jeans towards his knees while he crouches down, holding his balance on the front of his feet, heels of his boots lifting off the ground.

He lands in that position, lips slightly parted, eyes opening again and somehow, his eyes find Louis immediately, gazes crashing together. Louis is leaning against the doorframe that leads outside, legs crossed and arms folded over his chest. He looks serious, but Harry now knows him good enough. He's affected, and he definitely watched that whole performance.

Harry slowly, tentatively slides his tongue along his bottom lip while the people around him start applauding and cheering.

What did he just do?

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