22. hot wax

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Song: sweat by Zayn

Harry is kissing Louis Tomlinson.

It starts out slow, closed mouth touches, all sweet and innocent. That is, until Louis slides his tongue along Harry's bottom lip, hands sliding from his waist to the small of his back. Harry instinctively arches into him and opens his mouth to grant him access. Louis tongue immediately fights with Harry's and every single brain cell in Harry's head is reduced to a string of Louis' name.

Before Harry knows what's happening, his back is against the side of the boat and both his legs are around Louis' waist, Louis respectfully holding him up by his thighs. And yup, they're full on making out now, Harry's hands sliding into Louis' wet hair.

Louis squeezes his thighs, slightly rolls his hips forward and Harry lets out a whimper. From then on, a dam is broken. Louis curses under his breath and moves down to suck yet another hickey onto Harry's neck, but this time it's claiming, sexual. It makes Harry dive head first into a mind blowing fury.

This is really happening.

Harry desperately holds on to Louis' hair with one hand, the other one clutching his shoulders, fingernails digging into his skin as he shuts his eyes tightly and tips his head back to make more room for Louis.

Harry lets out a pathetic whine as Louis rolls his hips forward once again, their crotches meeting and both of them breathing out harshly at the feeling. "Louis"

He needs Louis. He needs him so much he feels like he's going insane.

Louis pulls away at that, and looks Harry in the eyes, his own dark and blown with lust and fuck, that's doing stuff to Harry. "What do you want?" Louis asks breathlessly, still holding Harry up against the side of the yacht and pushing some wet curl that's stuck on Harry's forehead behind his ear."Tell me what you want, darling"

"You" Harry mumbles, squeezing his thighs together around Louis' waist. His fingers tighten in the wet strands of Louis' hair.
"Remember what you said at the airport?" He asks, a smile slowly appearing on his lips. "When Zayn asked what shouldn't be missing for good sex and you, being the fucking arrogant twat you are, said 'me'?"

Louis chuckles as Harry mocks his voice. "Yeah, I remember"

Harry hums and leans in to kiss along Louis' jaw, towards his ear. "How 'bout you prove that"

Louis' lips part and he pulls away, grin on his face. "Wow, Harold, I'm impressed. Didn't think you'd be the type of guy to go one kiss and immediately full on-"

Harry rolls his eyes and pulls him in by the back of his neck, connecting their lips fiercely. They're back to making out in less than a second but Harry pulls away impatiently.

"Now it's been two kisses. Are you gonna fuck me or not?"

He doesn't really know where this comes from, either. He'd just call it desperation. He's desperate for Louis and he knows damn well Louis is desperate for him as well. After all this build up, all this sexual tension, he won't wait a second longer than needed. Now that he got a taste of what it's like to kiss Louis, he only wants more, he doesn't want to stop ever again. It's addictive, it makes him dizzy and it makes him desperate. So he needs Louis right fucking now.

"Fuck, alright" Louis breathes out and takes his hands off Harry's thighs to swim towards the metal ladder, pulling himself up.

Harry slaps his ass.

"Oi" Louis exclaims but he's laughing. Harry only grins and shrugs, saying that it was just 'so tempting'.

He is quick to follow Louis up onto the boat, though, and just a second later, he's on his back with Louis crawling on top of him between his spread legs. Water drips from Louis' body onto Harry's and his wet skin glistens in the moonlight and Harry wants to taste every inch of his body.

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