6. lifehacks going viral in the bathroom

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song: venice bitch by Lana Del Rey

"What kind of a beach costs money?" Louis asks, disgust in his voice by such audacity.

He's too dramatic for his own good, Harry decides. They're standing in the line for the beach, people waiting to pay for entrance at the small cashier box thing. It's a warm day, and around them are some tourists and some people who live here. Harry identifies the tourists by their lunch boxes, sunscreen, hats and even tents.

Harry shrugs, not that offended by the small sign and lists the prizes it costs for adults or children to enter. "Some do, when they have like maybe a playground or a beach club or cafes or showers..."

Louis only rolls his eyes. "I mean can they even claim the beach? It's just a piece of nature, how can anyone say 'fuck it, that's mine now. You stupid people need to pay me for it if you wanna hang out here'?"

Harry lets out a scoff. "That's basically all the human species ever did," he reminds him, "Thought you'd know this when you study history in uni."

"I'm in uni for the parties." Louis shrugs, "And for drama, I just had to choose a stupid second class"

Harry only hums absentmindedly, not really listening while he looks around the beach over the small fence. They had decided to look for a beach that has free showers, but were pretty unsuccessful.

The disgusting feeling of salty water, sweat and summer just got worse during the day and Harry started whining at one point, which annoyed Louis to the extend of whining as well. Then they were once again close to ripping each other's head off and decided to part ways for a few hours.

They agreed to meet after two hours on the small central market place of the village. Of course Louis made Harry wait there forty minutes before he had the decency to show up. At least he had some time to relax and find his inner peace once more. When Louis eventually appeared from behind a house to Harry's left, he also looked a lot calmer.

They didn't talk much while continuing their search for some showers, mostly staying in passive aggressive silence.

But now, apparently, Louis' anger is rising once more due to the sheer audacity of this beach wanting money for entrance.

He's standing next to Harry with his head leaned back in boredom and annoyance, hands on his hips and one foot tapping onto the pavement beneath it relentlessly. Harry thinks it can only be minutes until he says 'fuck it' and drags him away from the queue, demanding they find another place. But, opposite his predictions, Louis only takes a deep breath and turns to him with a thoughtful look.

"What's so interesting about english lit anyway? I've only heard bad stuff about it, like it's boring and all."

Harry can't really answer right away, a crease forming between his eyebrows. How does Louis know what his second class is? It doesn't make sense in Harry's head, that Louis has this sort of information. The only possible way is if Liam told him, who's in Harry's English lit class and somewhat in Louis' group of friends, but even then it would still be weird for Louis to remember it.

It's one of those things, once again. Why does Louis Tomlinson know stuff about other people. It doesn't fit to the personality Harry had assigned him in his head at the start of uni when he's first encountered him. And over that entire year, his made up personality had always proven to be correct in some way. Of course, Harry hadn't personally known Louis, but he had his assumptions, and the boy's behaviour had always fit perfectly to those. The problem is right now, spending more time alone with that boy than he ever thought he would, and finding out that he had been wrong for an entire year. It doesn't make any sense.

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