15. science

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Song: risk by Gracie Abrams

The footsteps come even closer, probably around the corner the next second and Harry gives a small nod to Louis' questioning look.

"Okay" Is all he says before he steps forward, gently touches Harry's waist to walk him backwards before he pushes him against the wall with slight force.

He's taken the chips into the hand that is now covered by Harry's body and Harry is just about to think how smart that was, but he can't.

Because Louis looks into his eyes briefly for any sort of discomfort, before he presses him even harder against the house wall, one leg between Harry's, and leans in.

For a second, Harry thinks he's going to kiss him, but then Louis' lips make contact with the skin on his throat and Harry definitely didn't expect that. He's kind of always been a throat guy and this is an unexpected sensation that sends cascades of tingles down his spine and through his fingertips, itching to make more contact, to be closer, to have Louis' teeth digging in, to just feel more. Louis' grip on the dip of his waist is firm but gentle, holding him in place with what must look like passion to anyone who watches.

"Relax," Louis whispers against his neck, only for Harry to hear. "I don't bite."

"I want you to, though," Harry answers before he can really stop himself. He's thankful when he only hears a soft laugh against his neck.

Harry's hands instinctively come up to grip his shoulders when he feels Louis' lips sucking on his throat. He squeezes his shoulders through the material of his vans shirt, thumbs digging into the dip above Louis' heavenly collar bones, the exact collar bones he's thought about drowning in embarrassingly many times.

In the corner of his eye, Harry sees the waiter who followed them come to a halt around the corner, turning his head and spotting them.
Harry decides to play along so that it works. Not that he would have been able to control himself either way, but at least he has an excuse for his brain, that is currently offline but will most definitely not stop thinking about this for the next, let's say... three years maybe. He slides one hand up into Louis' hair, keeping his head where it is to signalise him that the man is still there. He dips his own head back, resting against the wall behind him as he looks up to the sky, granting Louis full access. Louis pulls away and kisses over what probably forms a purple mark near his pulse point. Somehow, Harry can't find it in himself to care. Quite the opposite actually, he kind of... likes it.

Louis closes his lips over the hickey once more, lightly kissing it (Harry must admit, he knows what he's doing) Harry gently tugs on his hair to tell him that the man is still there and they can't stop. Louis seems to get it, because he nods slightly and moves to the other side of Harry's throat, hands sliding from his hips around his waist, holding him closer to his own body at the small of his back while he places random kisses on his skin.

The weed from earlier is still messing with Harry's reaction skills and his brain function, and everything all together, but he thinks he's genuinely never felt anything better in his life. He's convinced that Louis' lips belong on his skin, and that there is no way in hell Louis doesn't feel what Harry is feeling right now. He feels tingles everywhere they touch, as if there were butterflies carrying millions of tiny magnets because Harry doesn't think he could ever pull away on his own, not without any outside force.

"Moan." Louis whispers against Harry's throat.
Harry inhales shakily, an evil smile forming on his lips as he wraps one leg around Louis' waist.

"Make me."

Louis lets out a low chuckle against his skin. He doesn't say anything, just rolls his hips forward at the same time as he bites down right on Harry's sweet spot, where his throat meets his jaw.

How he figured that out, Harry doesn't know. It's not like he could have used his brain either way, all of its capacity is shut down, his thought's reducing to 'fuck' and Louis' name.
His body arches off the wall and melts into Louis', somehow their bodies fit like key and lock, it's like magnets, Harry doesn't know if he will ever be able to move away again. He doesn't know if it works like that, he has no idea of how science works, and he's a little preoccupied right now, thank you very much.
His hand tightens in Louis' hair and his eyes close on their own accord, lips parting to let a breathy moan dissolve into the dark of the night.

He opens his eyes just enough to see the man scratching his neck, before he turns around and leaves.

Which, finally. It's been quite a long time since their bodies became entangled with each other like that. Maybe from a far, to a third person, the haze Harry feels is also there. The way that every single nerve in his body doesn't want to turn away, to let this moment pass, to do something that could interrupt it and dissolve the heavy cloud that might be around them. Right now, Harry would rather die than to step away and distance himself from Louis' body. Maybe the waiter felt the same, couldn't tear his eyes away.

Harry really gets that. Oh, what he would give to see how Louis' body must curve right now while leaning up like that. But then again, feeling it is much, much better anyway.

The thing is, they don't immediately stop.
Louis smirks against Harry's skin at the reaction he got and one hand leaves his back to slide along his thigh before he grips underneath Harry's knee to support the leg he's thrown around his waist. He kisses over that mark as well, almost a soothing touch except it's totally not soothing but instead makes Harry's dick twitch.

Louis' thumb runs circles on Harry's skinny jeans clad leg while he kisses along his jaw until he reaches his cheek, lips getting softer with every kiss. He keeps going, and Harry's heart stutters more and more the closer he gets to his mouth.

Right when Louis presses a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, he seems to realise as well what they're doing. And that the waiter guy is long gone.

He pulls away abruptly and drops Harry's leg as he takes a step back. Harry's reactions are slow and he takes a while until his eyes are fully opened again. Instantly, he feels so cold he might as well be shivering. His fingers twitch, aching to reach out and pull Louis close again. As if he might die when he doesn't feel his body pressed against his own again right this second.

"Sorry" Louis mumbles and turns his head away, looking at the ground. "I- um,"

"It's fine," Harry mumbles immediately, smoothing out his button up and going through his hair. He's probably blushing and that's bad. Louis can't see that. He can't know how much power he has over Harry, how much Harry is at his feet. But who is Harry kidding, Louis Tomlinson always knows.

"No, I'm sorry." Louis says again, insistingly.

"Louis" Harry says slowly. "I suggested it. It's fine"

"I'm still sorry though" Louis finally looks back up and frowns. "I got, uh... carried away"

Harry's lips part. "Oh"

He feels something in his hands tingling. Ignoring, yes. That's what he's supposed to do. Just that it gets more complicated every day, to ignore everything Louis makes him feel. All the feelings he's never felt before. Never before he's been so goddamn hard just from five minutes of someone kissing his neck and marking him up. Never before he's had goosebumps rising on his arms with every. single. touch.

He tries to ignore it, desperately, but it's not easy. So he just wills his dick to calm down as he sorts his hair out one last time, before he and Louis have a silent agreement to just walk away. Harry is scared it will be awkward now, because what just happened was... Well, normally they could blame in on what had to be done, inspired by Captain America.

What they can't blame on Captain America is that they both got affected by it. Harry felt how Louis reacted. And he knows damn well how he himself reacted as well.

They can't deny that they both, to a solid level, got hard from that.

Harry knows that, and Harry knows that Louis knows that.

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