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Rough Childhood

Dove was glad she told Bob about her but she knew she had to tell everyone eventually. She pulled into the driveway, saw another car into the driveway which puzzled her. She turned off her car, stepped out. "Who in the world." Dove said as she grabbed her stuff and headed inside.

She opened the door, "Well Hello father." Dove said. Her father and the man she instantly recognize looked at her. "Hollywood!" She said as she quickly set her stuff down and went over to hug him. He held onto her tightly. "Hey sweetheart." He said to her, she pulled away then he went speechless. "My My, you grew up into a beautiful woman, I have say Merlin you have done hell of a job raising here and now look at her, she turn out like you, a pilot." Hollywood said to Merlin then looked at her. "What's your callsign?" Hollywood asked her. "Dove." She replied. He smiled at her, "It fits you." He said to her.

"Anyways, I am in need of a shower, I'll be back as soon as I can." Dove said and ran to the bathroom. Hollywood looked at Merlin. "I meant it... you done a hell of job raising her." Hollywood said to Merlin. "Thanks it means a lot, I wanted her have the best especially after all she went through as a child." Merlin explained and Hollywood sighed remembering Charlotte struggling to get through the grief she dealt with after her parents were killed. "Did they ever find who did it?" Hollywood asked. "Nope, got to walk away, I hope they know they took parents away from a sweet little girl who turned out great, she turned out to be a smart, beautiful and talent young woman... I am proud to call her my daughter." Merlin explained.


Merlin walked up to the scene after hearing about a crash. He walked up to Goose and Maverick, "What happened?" Merlin asked. "Someone was careless and caused an accident, he ran." Maverick replied. "Sadly there is a little girl over there on the bench, her parents didn't make it, they are trying to figure out something for her." Goose added. Merlin nodded and walked off towards Viper.

"What's happening to this little girl, sir?" Merlin asked Viper. "Sadly, she's going to be an orphan because she has no living relatives that will take her." Viper said. "No no, that can't happen." Merlin said as he began to panic. "I'm sorry Merlin, that's the only option." Viper said. "it's not.." Merlin said. "Then what is it?" Viper questioned. "I'll take her in and adopt her, I'll raise her as if she was my own." Merlin said and Viper looked at him. "You do realize what you are doing?" He questioned Merlin. "I do... I am going to give her the best life possible."  Merlin said.

Charlotte looked at the planes, when a man approached her. "Hi." She said to the man. She was nervous to be speaking to a stranger but she was strong. "Hi Sweetheart, how are you doing?" He asked her. "Okay..." She answer him, but she was lying, she was hurting.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He asked. She looked at him, "My name is Charlotte Thompson." She replied, he smiled at her. "What a beautiful name, I am Sam wells but everyone around here, I am known as Merlin."  He replied, she smiled slightly at him. "What's going to happen to me?" She asked with a hint of worry in her voice. "Well they was going to put you in the foster care but I stopped that because... I would like to adopt you and raise you like my own... besides my good friend goose as a son, you two would make really good friends." Merlin explained to her.

She smiled at him, "You would adopt me?" She asked him. "Of course." He replied which she hugged him. "For now on, You are now known as Charlotte Wells." He tells her and she smiles before he carries her off to finalize things.


Charlotte stepped out of the shower, she looked at the mirror and sighed. She thought back the day Merlin took her in, she was pretending to be brave because in reality, she heartbroken, but she showed that later on when her birth parents's birthdays came around. She struggled in school has kids would taunt her but she remembered Bradley always coming to save the day. 

She got dressed for bed, then she walked back to the kitchen where Her father and Hollywood were sitting. "I wanted to say goodbye before I left." Hollywood said as he gave her a hug. "Please come by anytime, It was good to see you." Charlotte said to him. "Same to you Charlotte." He said with a smile as he left. She looked at her father and sat down in front of him. 

"Oh by the way, I invited someone for dinner tomorrow night." Charlotte said. "Who might this be?" Merlin asked as he took a sip of his tea. "His name is Robert, his callsign is Bob." Charlotte replied and her father looked at her. "Interesting... I can't wait to meet him, before the mission I would love to cook a big dinner for all the pilots." Merlin said to his daughter. She smiled and said "I actually told Bob about my past, that I am adopted... I trust him Father, but I know I am gonna have to tell people eventually." Charlotte explained. Merlin nodded and replied "But do it when you feel ready too, but I meant it on dinner, tell your buddies they are welcome to come by anytime they want."

She smiled "This is why people adore you dad." She said and he smiled. He got up and got her a bottle of water then handed it to her. "It's getting late, you need your rest, I'll have a nice breakfast for you in morning, love you sweetheart." He said as she got up and headed to her room. "Love you too dad." She said. "Oh Charlotte.." He said and she looked back at him. "I am looking forward to meeting Bob tomorrow evening." He added and she smiled back at him before heading to her room.


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