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The Truth and Anything's possible.

On the way over, Dove ended up sobbing. She was taking this rougher then she thought. She waited for years, now she didn't know what to do.

Everyone looked around for Dove. "Where's Dove?" Phoenix asked Bob. "She's late." Rooster said. "That's not like her." Bob said, Phoenix and Rooster nodded agreeing with him.

Simpson was talking, Dove walked into the room, everyone looked but her cheeks were stained. "Dove?" Phoenix asked as Dove walked to the front of the classroom. "Is everything alright?" Bob asked her. "Just met the person who changed my life, the person who took my birth parents from me." Dove said as tears slipped down her cheeks. "Wait..." Payback said. "Merlin isn't my dad... he is but he adopted me." She said but she broke down.

"That man took my parents away from me and thinks he roll into the place, apologize.... that's too late... it won't bring my parents back" Dove muttered. "Dove why didn't you tell us?" Coyote asked. "Because..." Dove said. "You thought we would judge didn't you?" Hangman asked, Dove made contact with him, she was silent. "Wells..." Warlock said to her and she looked up Warlock. "That's my last name, don't wear it out." She said to warlock which caused him to smile a bit. "Where did the scumbag go?" Rooster asked. "He turned himself in." Dove said. "I hope he rots in there." Dove said.

"Dove you could've told us sooner." Fanboy said. "I know..." Dove said. "He's great person, Merlin is... not to mention, takes a lot to step up and do something you never done before, even when it's being a parent." Hangman said to her. "He saved me." Dove said. They looked at her, "He knew how bad foster care can be, he didn't want me to go through that, yes I went through hard times, especially kids would bully me that I didn't have a mom, he's both and for that, I accept that, also to let everyone know, my past doesn't defy who I am as a person today, what I dealt with makes me stronger." Dove said. Bob smiled at her.

"There, now you know the truth about me." Dove said. "Well, your still a Wells." Bob said to her and she smiled at him. "Indeed that I am." Dove said  then she took her seat next to Rooster. "Also I apologize for being late..." Dove said. "You were dealing with matters... understandable." Cyclone said to her. 

"As I was saying.... Captain Mitchell is no longer your instructor. He's been permanently grounded." Cyclone said. Dove looked at him confusedly, "Can things get anymore shitter this morning." Dove muttered. Cyclone looked at Dove but chose to ignore what she said. "And as of today, you have new mission parameters. Time to target is now four minutes. You'll be entering the valley at reduced speed, not to exceed 420 knots." He continued.

"Would this give time for enemies planes to intercept us?" Bob questioned him. "Well Lieutenant, you have a fighting chance against an enemy aircraft. What are the chances of surviving a head on collision with a mountain? You'll be attacking the target from a higher altitude, level with the north wall. It will be a little harder to keep your laser on target, but you will avoid the high-G climb out." He explained to her. Dove shook her head, she had found out the truth this morning, but the mission can't change.

"But sir this... we were train to most likely to survive but how your leading is going to be deadly." Dove spatted. Rooster looked at her. "You do realize who you are talking to." Cyclone said to her. "I know who I am talking to... just like you all knew about the coward but didn't know his name is Dewey Howard, but I don't blame you all for that beside Dewey Howard is nothing but cowardly bastard who got to live his life while Sharlene and Bill didn't, they had theirs taken, but anyways your suppose to lead for survival and succeeding the mission not this, not how your approaching this, in all honesty the time to target should be shorter and avoiding enemy at all times possible, just how Maverick was teaching us." Dove Rambled, everyone was surprise at her courage. Hondo nodded and Warlock sighed. "Dove...." Before Cyclone could finish, The screen behind him starts to beep as a small animated airplane begins to follow the course of the valley. A single F-18.

"Who the hell is that?" Cyclone said. Dove smiled a bit. "Maverick to range control. Entering point Alpha. Confirm Green Range." Maverick voice booms through the classroom as Hondo turned on the radio at the back. "Maverick, Range control, green range is confirmed." A voice replies to him suspiciously. "I don't see an event confirmed for you, sir." The voice said again.

"Well I'm going anyways." Maverick replied. "Nice." Phoenix mutter, Dove stared at the screen as a smirk appeared on her face. "Setting time to target, two minutes and fifteen seconds." Maverick announces. The time at the bottom of the screen changes. "2:15 That's impossible." Coyote says in disbelief. "He's going to try and make it possible." Dove said.

"File attack point, Maverick's inbound." The animated plane flies through the point, signaling the start of Maverick's count down. He makes his way around the valley with complete and utter ease. Tails stare at the screen as Maverick's time reaches 1:25, hoping he can prove to everyone that this mission is flyable.

Maverick's plane reaches the flat zone at the end of the valley, completing Phase One. "Popping in 3...2...1.." His plane navigates the mountain as he inverts the plane upon reaching the peak of the first mountain, starting the nose dive. Dove eyes widened as they see his laser finding it's way to the target. The missile lock tone, "Bombs away." Maverick announces. Then He initiates the incline of the last mountain. Five seconds left on the count down.

"He going to make it." Dove thought as they all stood up as the last five seconds continue to count down. His G-force counter on the screen continue to increase. 8 Gs, 8.5 Gs, 9 Gs, 9.5 Gs, 10 Gs... The Target explodes on the screen. Maverick executed the run perfectly. "Bullseyes! Holy Shit!" Fanboy exclaims. "Damn." Is all that Hangman could say.

Dove smiled. "Hondo, Tell Maverick to meet me in my office. Immediately." Cyclone said as he and Warlock leave the classroom. "Maverick did it, he prove that it was possible." Dove thought. Everybody sat back down in there chairs. "Well Maverick's in deep shit, huh?" Hangman says. "He's the only one that's proven that this is possible. How much trouble can he really be in?" Phoenix replied to him.

Everyone looked at Dove, "Sharlene and Bill Thompson." Rooster said and Dove nodded. "For what it's worth dovie, they would be so proud of you." Hangman said to her. "Oh they would be so proud." Bob said. She smiled but a tear slipped down her cheek. "It feels good to know the truth and who did it, also glad you all know about my past, the thing is now, I am going to continue what i'm doing." Dove said and they nodded at her. 

"So whose wanting dinner tomorrow night at the Wells?" Dove asked and Everyone cheered.

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