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Dove looked at the photos on the wall. She saw a photo of her birth parents, Maverick reveal that he found it on the crash sight, he hung it up as reminder how far the young woman as come and her parents would be proud of her.

Dove and Maverick worked out the differences and Happy to say Rooster did as well. As for her father Merlin, Him and Maverick gotten closer over the past month.

Then Dove saw the photo of Maverick and Goose, she smiled a bit. She remembers pieces of Goose, she hated that he was taken so soon but he would be so proud of his son. Then she saw the photo of her, Rooster and Maverick. She smiled at it.


"Charlotte! Sweetheart, We could use your help!" Sam exclaimed. "Coming!" She exclaimed. She took one more look at the photos then she made her way over the trio. She shook at her head, "What did you all do now?" She questioned them. Before they could answer her, she saw the problem. "You all know, you just connect the blue and yellow wires." Dove said as she rose a brow and showed the three of them.

Sam just looked at Bradley and Pete. "See what did I tell you!" Sam said. "Don't you start Wells." Pete said. "Alright you two." Bradley said as he stepped in between them. Charlotte chuckled at bit. Then she heard a car door shut, she looked to see her boyfriend. Which the three of them looked. She smiled at him.

"How's it going Floyd, being good to my best friend?" Bradley asked. One thing Charlotte knew, how protective Bradley was over her, like a big brother, but he's always been like this when they were growing up. "It's going well, Don't worry, I am taking care of her, I was just wondering if I you all still need her?" Robert asked. "You can have her, we will be fine." Sam said with a smile. Charlotte looked at her father. "Go on." He mouthed at her and she smiled.

"Let me get my bag." Charlotte told Robert and he nodded. She said as she went and got her bag.

"You two, don't give Bradley a headache please." Charlotte said as she grabbed onto her boyfriend's hand. "We won't." Sam said. "Meeting at Hard Deck later, Bradshaw?" Charlotte asked. "Yep, going to kick your ass in pool." Bradley said. "Dream on Chicken boy." She said which caused Robert to laugh.

Robert looked at his girlfriend as they walked to his car. She looked up and smile at him.

"Where you taking me Floyd?" Charlotte said as he opened the car door for her. "It's a surprised darling." He said as he then shut the door. She smiled at him as he walked around.


She held onto his hand as they drove to Hard deck.

Robert took her to the diner that she went to as a little girl. It brought back memories for that's for sure.

"Did you enjoy dinner?" Robert asked her breaking the silence. She looked over at him, "I did, it brought back childhood memories for sure." Charlotte said. He smiled, "Your father helped me out and told me all about it." Robert said. "Of course, personally I think my father is a cheerleader for our relationship." Charlotte said. "I was about to mention that, he's very supportive." Robert said.


Robert and Charlotte walked into Hard deck. "FLOYD AND WELLS!" She looked over to see their friends at the pool table, they looked at each other and smile then they joined their friends. "Bradshaw and Seresin are you ready to get your asses kicked by Trace and I?" Charlotte said as she grabbed a stick. "You sound determine?" Jake questioned her. "I am not just determine, I know you two are going to get your asses kicked." Charlotte said with a brow rose.


"Damn!" Jake said as Charlotte and Natasha just won their game against him and Bradley. The duo cheered. Robert chuckled at his girlfriend and friend silently. 

"How's your dad now a days?" Jake asked. Charlotte looked at him, "You adore him don't you Seresin?" She questioned. "Who won't?" Mickey questioned. She smiled, "He said you all are welcome anytime." Charlotte said. Then she looked at Bradley, "Oh Laura payed the piper." Charlotte said. Bradley and Mickey glared at her, she chuckled. "What did I tell you all, Charlotte was going to make you pay for what you did to Kaitlyn." Javy said. 

"I can see the hype, I have to agree with my Charlotte, Kaitlyn is something, but I do love Emma for some reason." Robert said. "For once Floyd, I have to agree." Jake said. "Hell is going to freeze over." Charlotte said. Everyone chuckled.


Charlotte stood outside of Hard deck. "Everything alright Buddy?" She turned to see Bradley. "Yeah.... just thinking of the future." Charlotte said as she watched the waves. "It seems like yesterday my dad introduce us to each other." Bradley said and Charlotte smiled.

Merlin held onto Charlotte's hand as he walked her through the hanger, Charlotte looked around and she was fascinated with everything.

"Hey Goose and Maverick, I got someone for you to meet!" Merlin called out. Maverick and Goose turned to him then they spotted the little girl. "Is this?" Maverick asked. "Meet Charlotte Wells... my daughter." Merlin said as he looked at Charlotte. Goose smiled at the little girl then looked over at the little boy. 

"Charlotte, meet my son Bradley." Goose said as he introduce Charlotte to his son.

"You two are going to be great friends." Merlin said as Goose smiled at Merlin. 

Bradley and Charlotte smiled at each other.

"And he was right, we were going to be great friends.... still are." Charlotte said. 

"Going strong, your the greatest best friend I could ask for." Bradley said which caused Charlotte to smile and pull him into a hug.

They pulled away. 

She looked back inside of Hard Deck, she saw her boyfriend with Natasha and Jake. "You two are perfect for each other." Bradley said which caused her to smile. "I am excited for the future."  Charlotte said. Robert then made eye contact with Charlotte, he smiled at her.


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