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You got this Dove!

Sam and Charlotte scrambled in the house, getting everything ready. Tomorrow was the day, scary day indeed.

Charlotte stopped and watched her father scrambled, as he was making sure everything was great. "Dad... Dad!" Charlotte exclaimed and He turned to look at her, "If Robert enjoyed your cooking, I am for sure the rest of them will." Charlotte assured her father, he smiled at her. 

The door knocked, Charlotte looked at her father. "You just relax and finish up, I will attend to the guests." Charlotte said. Sam kissed the top of her head, "Thank you sweetheart." Sam said. 

She headed to the door, She opened the door to find Bradley, Natasha and Robert standing there. "I know we are early but we wanted to... see you all need help." Natasha said. Before Charlotte could say anything, they heard her father exclaimed in the kitchen. "Dad! I told you not to panic!" Charlotte exclaimed, the three of them giggle, then she looked back at them. 

"He wants everything to be prefect, but I told him, as long as it's edible, it will be fine." Charlotte said as she let them in. "He doesn't have to panic." Natasha said as she headed to the kitchen and they followed her. They walked in and he was scrambling, "Mr. Wells?" Natasha called out which made him freeze and he turned to the pilots.

"Oh you three, your early." He said. "Do you need any help, they offered since we are here a couple hours early after all?" Natasha said. Sam looked hesitant,  "It's least we could do, you are feeding a crew tonight." Bradley said. "I don't...." Sam said but Robert interrupted, "We insist." He said. Sam smiled, "Of course you all can help." Sam said and they smiled at the man.


"Bradley.... why would you do that!" Charlotte exclaimed as Bradley chose the opposite choice on The Quarry. "Kaitlyn... something is going to happen to her because you and I love her!" Charlotte exclaimed. "MY CHOICES!" Bradley exclaimed. "Fine, I'll go after Laura when I get my chance." Charlotte spatted. "You wouldn't." Bradley growled. "I would." Charlotte replied. Natasha and Robert chuckled at the two best friends arguing over a video game.

The door knocked, Natasha went up to the door. She opened it to find Jake, Javy, Mickey and Reuben standing there. "Welcome, Bradshaw and Wells are arguing over the quarry." Natasha said. "What did he do?" Mickey asked. "He might of cost Kaitlyn." Natasha said, Javy eyes widen. "Rooster... WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Javy said as he made it in there.

"Oh not you as well, She threaten to go after Laura." Bradley said, Mickey stormed in there leaving Reuben, Jake and Natasha. "No no, do not go after Laura." Mickey begged Charlotte. "You shouldn't have gone after Kaitlyn, while I am at it I'll go after Ryan." Charlotte said. "Oof." Robert said.

The rest of the crew joined. "You gotta chill, it just a game." Jake said. "Ugh, to you Bagman, this is cold war, he cost Kaitlyn." Charlotte said and everyone lost it. Charlotte shook her head, "It's fine... it's a mistake that can be fix with a replay... doesn't mean I won't cost it for Laura." Charlotte said as she pointed her at Bradley. Bradley glared at her. "Rooster..." Reuben said. Before anyone could get a word in, Her father called everyone into the kitchen. Charlotte looked at everyone and smiled. "Shall we?" She asked, they nodded and headed to the kitchen.


Everyone was chattering while Charlotte stepped outside on the porch to catch some air. She looked at the sun setting. "Well Mom and Father... tomorrow I face the danger that's been waiting ahead." She muttered. She sighed. Sam stepped outside for a moment.

"I thought I would find you out here, is everything alright sweetheart?" Merlin asked her. She nodded slightly but he knew. "Sweetheart it's fine." Sam said. "Alright... I'm not... it's overwhelming." Charlotte said. Sam sighed. "I know the feeling, but you got this. No matter what, you are going to come home...all of you are." Sam said.

"Always keeping faith there dad." Charlotte said to her father. He smiled at her, "Indeed, When you hold onto Faith, there is always Hope down every corner." He tells her and she smiled. He always said this to her as a little girl, she definitely needed it for tomorrow.

Sam instantly thought of Robert then he looked at his daughter. He knew that she was in love, he can see the way that Robert looks at her or even the way she looks at him. 

"So you and Floyd?" He questioned her and she sighed. "Friends but.... my heart.... something more." She tells her father. "Like love?" He questioned her, she looked at him and nodded slowly at her father.

"Go for it... I already warned him not to hurt my dove, but he's a good man, he'll have a wonderful woman by his side, I'm not saying this because you are my daughter but you have a good heart sweetheart." Sam tells his daughter, she smiled at him. Of course he would warn Robert, because he's always been protective but Charlotte was smiling at the fact her father was encouraging this, like a cheer leader.

Robert opened the front door which caused the daughter and father to look. "Am I interrupting something?" Robert asked. Sam shook his head, "No son, I was checking on Charlotte since she stepped away from you all, I'm going back in." Sam said as he wink at his daughter, she playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh Mr. Wells, Jake challenge you to game." Robert said. "Oh really, Mr. Seresin... PREPARE TO LOSE!" He exclaimed and made everyone chuckle at his outburst, Robert and Charlotte chuckled as well.

"Are you doing alright?" Robert asked. "..I'm scared Robert." She replied and he sighed. "Don't worry, you got this Dove." Robert said, She looked at him. He sighed nervously, "Charlotte there's something I like to ask you.... after tomorrow I was wondering, if I could take you out to dinner?" He asked her.

She smiled at him, "Of course Floyd, of course."

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