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DogFight Football

Charlotte heard her phone go off, she turned in her bed and read the message. 'Wear beach wear, meeting at the beach.' She was puzzled as she stared at the message. She hummed and turned on the television to Supernatural. 


Around six, she got out of bed and got ready. Her father stared at her, "I am going to take it that there's no training today, but the beach?" He questioned. "Maverick's idea." She replied. "Of course, you have fun." He tells her. "Of course." Charlotte said with a smile.


She got to the beach. Phoenix came up to her, "When am I getting a invite to the Wells household?" She asked. "So you heard." Dove replied. "Bob wouldn't stop talking about it this morning." Phoenix said which caused Dove to stop in her tracks. "Is it bad?" She questioned. "Goodness no, He went on how great your dad is and plus mentioned your dad wants to cook for us and I am down, just let us know." Phoenix said which caused Dove's heart to fluttered.

Dove and Phoenix walked up to everyone. "Well there's our Dovie dove." Hangman teased. "Don't call me that again Bagman." Dove said sternly. "Hangman." He responded. "Why correct me when you know I am going to continue along with Phoenix." Dove replied.

"Any of you played Dog Fight Football before?" Maverick asked them as he walked up to them chucking one of the balls at Dove and the other at Hangman. Everybody looked at each other with confusion. "Well, you'll start today." He finished. Everybody picked their teams.

"AND HUT!" Someone shouted as the whistle blew and both balls are thrown from the two teams' legs. Phoenix had a hold of the ball, until she tossed it to Dove. Dove looked very quickly to see if anyone on her team was available but no one was. Then Hangman and Payback approached her, "Come on Dove." Hangman taunted her. She smirked and took off running, and they went after her but they couldn't catch her as she crossed the line, she tossed the ball into the ground. "What now you two! You can't catch a Dove, let's go! I know you have payback coming, don't leave your team hanging, lets go!" She exclaimed as she did a victory dance and everyone giggled.


At this point, nobody was keeping score but Dove and Rooster was still being competitive at this point. "Dove, give it up." Rooster said. "Not a chance there chicken boy." Dove said. Then she took off running in the opposite direction with Rooster following her. She stopped for a moment, she looked up and saw a man, staring at her with guilt on his face, "Hello!" She called out and he took off, she sighed. Rooster stopped as he saw concern on her face.

"You alright there Dove?" He asked her and she shook her head. "No, there was a man, he was staring at me, he had a look of guilt on his face.... oh Rooster I have a bad feeling." Dove said with concerned. "Hey, don't worry about it, if he comes around again, confront him." Rooster said and she nodded. She looked down at the beach then at the ball then back at him. "Last one back is a rotten egg!" She exclaimed as she took off running which he took off after her.

Everyone got in position, "And Hut!" Fanboy shouted. Dove tossed the ball to her Phoenix, then Phoenix tossed the ball to Bob which Bob took off running. "Lets go Bob!" Dove shouted as he was running for it. Bob made it over the line and everybody cheered. Rooster picked him as everybody cheered for him.

Dove smiled and she saw Maverick was gone, but went up to everyone. Rooster put Bob down, "That was impressive there." Dove said to him. "Have you seen you." He said to her. She looked at him for moment, "I did, but you did awesome." She said as they high five each other.


Meanwhile, the man was walking to his car. "You staring at one of my pilots?" He turned to see Maverick standing there. "I have to talk to her, but I am scared." The man admitted. "Why?" Maverick asked him. "Because of what happened to her parents." He answered, which made Maverick's heart dropped. "What about her parents?" Maverick then asked sternly. "It was me, I was the one who caused that accident... ruin her life... fuck man!" Man exclaimed at Maverick. "Why didn't you say anything?" Maverick asked.

"Because I was scared." The man said as he paced around in his spot. "You didn't think she wasn't, your stupidity caused her parents to lose her life, her life still ended up pretty good, because a good friend of mine took her in, raised him like his own... but yes you will have to tell her, don't expect her to take news easy but what's your next plan?" Maverick asked him. "I'll turned myself in." He said which caused Maverick scoffed. "So late, you got to live the life while that sweetheart I know, grew up without her birth parents." Maverick said as he walked off back to the beach.


Maverick reached the beach to find Merlin standing there, chatting away with the pilots. "Merlin?" Maverick questioned him. He turned and made eye contact with Maverick. "Maverick." He said. Then Merlin went up and shook Maverick's hand. "It's been awhile." Merlin said to him. "It has." Maverick said but Merlin noticed something was off.

"Is everything alright Maverick?" Merlin asked. Maverick's eyes went to Dove. "It's about Dove." Maverick said concernedly. "What about her?" Merlin asked who was also now concerned. Maverick and Merlin moved away from the pilots, "Well Dove saw a man watching her, so I confronted him...." Maverick said as he then went silent.

"What did he say?" Merlin asked him. "He did it.." Maverick said, Merlin froze. "What?" Merlin questioned him. "He was the one who caused that accident, he wants to apologize to Dove... but I told him, she won't be a sweetheart to you." Maverick said. Merlin sighed then looked at Dove. "She's going to be crushed.... but most likely angry." Merlin said. "I know."


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