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Commander Floyd

4 years later...

She held onto her bump as she sat in the chair as  the student explained.. This day, she teaching an younger audience that came from a nearby school while those who are Top Gun were else where for the day. Yes, Charlotte went on teach at Top Gun. She doesn't regret making that choice and of course she still was up in the air but not at the moment.

three years ago, Her and Robert got married then not even two months later, they got pregnant then went had their son Lucas. Now they were expecting a little girl, which they were over the moon for, but regardless they would be happy.

Her father was the best grandfather ever, he had Lucas wrapped around his finger. Merlin comes to help out when he can, Everyone shock with his age that he still wants to be around at Top Gun.

She was now Commander, she couldn't be anymore happier. Merlin was proud of her that's for sure.

."What was it like for you at Top Gun, Dove?" One of them asked. She looked at them and smiled. "It was something... I tell you that." She replied. She looked at them, "I hope to see one of you here at Top Gun." Charlotte said with a smile.


Robert sat on the floor with Lucas as he waited for Charlotte to get home. "Momma will be home soon." Robert told their son. "Is momma flying?" Lucas asked his father. "She can't right now, but yeah she flies so do I." Robert told Lucas.

Robert just got back after being away for two months. It was tough for Charlotte and Lucas but they managed.

"Are you excited to Natasha and them?" Robert asked which caused Lucas to smile and nod his head at his father. Then they heard a car pull into the driveway which Lucas got excited. "I believe that's momma."  Robert said then Lucas took off running to the front door, Robert chuckled at his son's excitement, he is momma's boy that's for sure.

Lucas opened the front door, Charlotte stepped out of the car, a smile grew on her face when she saw her son running to her. "Hi!" She exclaimed. She picked him up, spinned him around as she pressed kisses on his face, he giggled. 


Charlotte was cooking dinner, she heard the door knocked. "I got it!" Robert yelled. He and Lucas approached the front door. He opened to find Bradley, Natasha, Jake, Javy, Reuben and Mickey standing there.

They saw the little boy. "Oh there's my favorite person." Natasha said as she picked Lucas up. "Ouch! I thought I was your favorite!" Charlotte exclaimed from the kitchen. "You still are, Yours and Floyd's son stole my heart!" Natasha exclaimed as the crew stepped into the Floyd household. "That we can't argue with." Robert said.

Charlotte pulled the dinner out of the oven and set it onto the counter. She turned to see Bradshaw and she smiled at her long time best friend. "Floyd." He said as he pulled her into a hug. "Bradshaw, oh how have you been buddy?" She asked as they pulled away. "I'm doing good, I'm seeing someone, I would like my best friend to meet her." Bradley said and Charlotte smiled. "Awwh Bradshaw's in love...finally." Charlotte said. Bradley shook his head at his best friend.

"How you been?" He asked. "Over being pregnant, but Robert and I did agree on a name for our daughter." Charlotte said. "What would that be?" Bradley asked. "Caroline." Charlotte said which caused Bradley to look at her. "I wanted to name her after the woman, who helped me out when my father couldn't, your momma, not exactly but similar." Charlotte said. Bradley had a tear slip down his cheek and couldn't help but hug his best friend again. "It fits her, I can't wait to meet her." Bradley said and Charlotte grinned.


"Lucas you cheated little dude!" Jake exclaimed which caused Lucas to giggle. "I did not, you just suck." Lucas said which caused everyone to giggle. "And your too much like your mother." Jake mumbled. Charlotte giggled at the interaction. They were playing Fall guys, Charlotte has lost her temper quite a bit with the game.

"Let me show you all how it's done." Charlotte said as she approached the couch and sat in between Robert and Reuben. Jake handed her the controller. "Charlotte don't lose your temper this time." Robert said to her sternly as he got up and checked on dinner in the kitchen. She rose a brow. 


"HOW!" Javy exclaimed as he lost his round. "You are just pushing through the course, you have think thoroughly when you play a video game like this." Charlotte exclaimed. "Yeah, like you did earlier." Reuben said sarcastically and Charlotte glared at him. "Dinner is done everyone!" Robert yelled.


Charlotte looked out on the beach. Lucas was being chased by Bradley and Natasha. Javy and Mickey were laughing in a distance. Charlotte felt hand around her waist, she turned to see her husband. She smiled. "You alright?" Robert asked her. "Yeah, just thinking." Charlotte said.

He looked at her and she looked at him. "I'm thinking about the future ahead." Charlotte said which caused him to smile at her. "We will be welcoming Caroline here soon, we will watch her grow, have couple more like we talked about then we're old and we'll be grandparents." Charlotte said.

"Now that's something to look forward to and I am glad it's you I get to do it with." Robert said and Charlotte smiled. She pressed her lips to his. "EWW MOM AND DAD!" They heard their son exclaimed. They pulled away and giggled, then joined everyone at the beach.


Author's note

Wow... it's done and I'm sad. I'm sorry it took so long, it would've been done sooner but things. I hope you all enjoyed reading Hope. Thank you for the continuous love and support you have shown this book. It means the world.

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