Meade Hall Meeting

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    Anna didn't look back at Hagrid sprinting towards Hiccup's hut to see if he's home

    On the way, she kept thinking about the question Hagrid asked her "would you want to kill a dragon" kept repeating in her head.

     Reaching Hiccup's hut sprinting up the stairs standing in front of the door knocking lightly "Hiccup?" she called out hearing no response.

    Taking the same hand getting hold of the nod pulling the door peeking out her head to see no Hiccup in sight.

     Closing the door before releasing the nob twisting herself around heading down the steps 

     Feeling gust of breeze hit her face swiftly moving her bangs with her braid over her shoulder 

    Behind Hiccup's hut leads into the forest with her staring out into the distance remembering heading into the direction of the forest.

   At The Meade Hall meeting that soonly started when the sun fully rosed

    Every Viking in the village gathered around the fire pit listening to Stoick

     Laid out in front is a map in front of Stoick talking where the Dragons Nest could be.

    Stoick spoke aloud "either we finish them, or they'll finish us! It's the only way we'll be rid of them! if we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave" glances at the map.

    A small sword placed by the map in hand "they'll find another home!" stabbing it in on top left map "one more search before the ice sets in" he said.

   Odin raised a hand to speak "those ships never come back" he said "we're Vikings! It's an occupational hazard! now who's with me?" Stoick asks them.

   The Vikings unsure of the plan talked among themselves "today's not good for me. I've gotta do my axe returns" a Viking muttered in the crowd.

   With furrowed brows relaxed "okay" Stoick said "those who stay will look after Anna" no answer "those who stay will look after Hiccup" all hands raised immediately. 

    His head nods "that's more like" Spitelout nods "I'm with you Stoick" a Viking from a far announces "to the ships!" Phlegma said.

     After everyone agreed the meeting ended with Spitelout being the last one exit after speaking with Stoick.

   Gobber raises from his seat "right, I'll go pack my undies" telling Stoick "no, I need you to stay and train some new recruits" Stoick comes over.

    They took a seat around the table in the near corner joining Iduna and Agnarr who's sat beside each other.

    Iduna adjusts her scarf "my husband and I talked and I'll stay watching Anna" she suggested "and I'll tag along with you two" Agnarr said.

   Stoick nods taking a seat next to Gobber groaning "Oh, perfect and while I'm busy, Hiccup can cover the stall, Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself... what could possibly go wrong" responding sarcastically.

     Agnarr takes a small sip from a cup "what am I going to do with him guys?" Stoick asks them with slumped shoulders in a soft tone.

    The three exchanged looks across the table on who's going to answer 

    Gobber looks back at Stoick "put him in training with the others" he said "Gobber I'm serious" Stoick rests his elbow on the table "no, I'm serious" he said "so am I" Gobber nods.

      A brow rose looking uncertain "he'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage" Stoick said "oh, you don't know that" Gobber waved him off.

    He nods "I do know that, actually" Stoick responds "no, you don't" Gobber snapped "no, actually I do" Stoick said "no, you don't!" Gobber exclaimed.

   Gobber turns back eyeing Agnarr and Iduna "what about Anna?" he asked them "she should" Agnarr responded.

    Iduna shifts her gaze at him "she would not have the authority to partake such a decision nor she would be considered able in terms of fighting or commanding" she said.

      Agnarr breathed out through his noes "she needs to learn defending herself" Iduna shifts in her seat "she'll assist me during the Dragon Training" Gobber chimed in.

   They eyed him from across the table "for her safety and she'll learn a thing or two about dragons" Gobber took a swig of his drink.

    Stoick looked over his should at them "it's the best for her" hearing Agnarr sighed "fine" he nods without arguing. 

     His eyes narrowed "wasn't she supposed to attend the meeting?" Stoick asked "Hagrid informed me she's asleep" Iduna said.

   Hagrid is nowhere in sight in the Meade Hall who left with the rest of the Vikings.

    Agnarr rubbed his neck "you were saying about Hiccup" staring at Stoick changing the subject.

   Stoick nods facing back around and stood up "you know what he's like from the time he could crawl he's been..." he paused "different" he said.

    Gobber took a sip of his drink "he doesn't listen" Iduna puts down her herbal tea "Anna was like that ya know" she chuckled.

     He turns to her remembering "but Hiccup doesn't listen Anna does" he stated "he has the attention span of a sparrow" Stoick aggravatingly said.

   Gobber takes a sip then his fake tooth popped out staring at his drink "I take him fishing and he goes hunting for... for trolls!" Stoick said aggravatingly 

    Iduna watched Gobber's tooth fell into his drink shivering in disgust "trolls exist!" Gobber whipped around eyeing Stoick "what was Anna like" Stoick asked coming over.

   Agnarr tapped his nails "I'd took her into the village with equipment that's small for her age hunting for dragons and she'd wonder off searching for gnomes" he remembered.

    Gobber whipped back around staring at him "gnomes exist as well!" exclaiming loudly "they steal both of your socks but only as the other take the right, what's with that?" questioning himself.

   Stoick slightly turns away "when I was a boy..." Gobber's eyes rolled "oh, here we go" he muttered.

     He began "my father told me to bang my head against a rock, and I did it" as Gobber struggled getting his tooth "I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him and you know what happened?" he asked.

    His fake tooth was found placing it back in "you got a headache" Agnarr answered "That rock split in two, it taught me what a Viking could do, guys" Stoick came over.

    Gobber nailed his tooth with the edge of his drink "he could-- he could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas!" Stoick took a seat.

      Shoulders slumped frowning "even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become Hiccup is not that boy" staring at his friends.

    All eyes laid Stoick "you can't stop him, Stoick you can only prepare him" Gobber gently said "and Anna" staring at her parents.

    Gobber eyed back Stoick "look, I know it seems hopeless but the truth is you won't always be around to protect them and both are going to get out there again and probably out there now" he said.

     The Meade Hall came quiet exchanging looks at one another 

    Stoick swung his legs under the table "is Anna's sister, Elsa attending the final day?' asking the parents who exchanged looks for a moment.

     Iduna looks back "she may attend if not Anna can take her place" she nods glancing at her husband waiting for him to have a say.

   Agnarr felt Iduna's glance waiting for him to have a say "we can only hope for the best" he said.

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