Raven Point

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   The trees were very close to each other and forming a very thick canopy among the wind whistling around trunks disturbing the leaves.

   Anna followed footprints down a pathway leading to somewhere that's imprinted Hiccup's footsteps.

      Clumps of bushes rustled startling her from the wind thinking someone's going too appear out of it. 

     Sunlight's peeking through the trees shining down on the path stepping onto dry leaves hearing them crunch with each step.

      Only pathway she knew by heart is the way to Berks Beach where she'll take a book with her, star gaze, or force Hiccup to come with her.

     Feeling like she's been walking for hours only to be 15 minutes when entering the forest thinking Hiccup wouldn't have walked this deep in.

      Stopping for a moment cupped fingers around her mouth "Hiccup" shouting loudly with no response whining continuing to walk.

     Taking in the forest smell of small flowers scattered around, damp moss, and lavender.

    Adjusting one of her braids pulling it tighter moving it over the shoulder "why couldn't he wait for me" thinking aloud slumping shoulders pouting.

     Ducking under the overhanging branches sweeping her bangs away hearing a bush rustle.

     Whipping her head looking behind her to see the bush sway slowly "Hiccup? this isn't funny" Anna chuckled nervously.

    A figure didn't pop out of the bushes only multiple bushes rustled coming Anna's way taking a step back.

  Eyes widened heavy breathing nervously continuously backing away whipping back around began running.

     Without looking where's going panting taking a different path to somewhere she doesn't know..

     Anna glimpse over her shoulder slowing her pace catching her breath with no bushes rustling.

    In the distance a voice picked up she recognized "oh, the gods hate me" facing front spotting Hiccup in sight.

     Her eyes brightened smiling feeling relief "Hiccup!" heading his direction with him halting looking her way.

   Before Hiccup could say anything without warning she side-hugged him tightly closing her eyes feeling at ease.

    Hiccup laughed nervously not being able to move "are you okay?" he asked her "you have no idea how happy I am to see you" Anna breathed out.

     Feeling his cheeks burn up "the feeling is mutual but what happened?" a brow raised with her releasing him.

    She regained self-control "I think something was following me back there" Hiccup shifts his gaze seeing nothing "i see nothing" looking back at her.

          Anna eyes rolled annoyingly "the bushes were continuously rustling sensing something approaching me" she said.

     He smiled laughing shaking his head "might have been the wind" shrugging his shoulders "it wasn't the wind" Anna stated.

    They started to walk down a dirt pathway "did you see it in front of you?" he asked "no" Anna answered.

     Hiccup hummed "invisible dragon?" Anna hugged herself "the only dragon in Raven Point is the Night Fury, somewhere" removing a hand gesturing the whole forest.

     Anna's arms dangled at her side "I heard you say the gods hate you?" holding back her laugh "they do" Hiccup nods.

    Jumping off a tree stump "some people lose their knife or their mug" throwing his hands in the air "no, not me" he huffed.

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