Book Of Dragons

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      Light pitter-Patter of raindrops fell onto her cloak clutching it tightly, the clouds become saturated over Berk feeling a storm coming later tonight with light wind blowing.

      Hagrid kept up with Anna's pace, hand together behind his back not being able to read her facial expression from the hood of the cloak covering discarding what he said earlier not minding the rain.

     "did my mom cook a lot for tonight?" Anna asked hearing sheep's baaing from the distance looking in the direction of them prancing in the rain enjoying themselves smiling to herself at the sight.

    A smile spread across Hagrid's face at the sight of the sheep "enough to feed those hungry teens for the night, they'll be leaving the Great Hall full" Anna turns back at Hagrid with a chuckle.

     Anna shifts her glance up at him "would I have to attend when I know about the Book Of Dragons?" she asked "all Dragon Trainees" he emphasized side eyeing her "but I already know it all" remembering her and Fishlegs studying it.

     "you would of remembered the basics of dragons" Hagrid said remembering back when he was younger he'd be tested on the dragons "but Fishlegs and I even studied knowing what a Thunderdrum, Timberjack, Scauldrens, Changewings, Gronckles, and the rest is" Anna continued too name the dragons until Gobber talked over her.

"you know what a Featherside is?" Hagrid asked amusingly leaving Anna staying quiet for a moment before talking again "no..." she mumbled making Hagrid laugh wiping droplets of rain off her forehead.

"Bork The Bold did" Hagrid's thick west country accent spoke with his hands on his stomach "who's that?" Anna asked never heard such a name before "the great-great-great-grandfather of Gobber the Belch" he replied.

    While they were centimeters away from the Great Hall "Gobber never mentioned that" she turned her head at Hagrid.

   "The story goes that Bork the Bold once travelled deep into the southern corners of Vinland, only to be stalked back to the Archipelago by an invisible dragon who lived there" Hagrid mentioned shortly after.

   Anna becoming intrigued by the story asking a question "can the other vikings see the Featherside?" she asked "whether this is true or not is for the skalds to debate, but we do know that the Featherhide is the only species of dragon to ever go unseen by viking eyes" answering her question with truth.

  Hagrid continued to speak but, in a whisper, once they arrived in the village "the featherside didn't hide from you, it showed it's true colors" Anna perked up releasing her hood letting it fall off.

   Anna's lit up with excitement making Hagrid belly laugh "she trusts you lass" he smiled nodding his head making her curious on why.

     Reaching the Great Hall from the distance the smell of chicken and baked goods could be smelt outside making Anna's stomach hunger running pass Hagrid up the steps to the entrance of the Great Hall.

     Anna pushed the doors wide open feeling warmth from the torches coming from inside stepping in quickly warming up from the cold shivering looking around the room filled with hungry Berkians like herself.

    A sheep from the distance making her turn her head in the direction of it spotting a black sheep beside a old man who's tall, lanky, with white hair and wrinkly skin holding a staff "where's my food!" he complained.

   Her eyes rolled shaking her head looking back straight ignoring the old man walking further in spotting Belle and her mother with the food "you made it!" Belle exclaimed turning her head over at Anna.

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