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As i lean against the side finishing off my drink, a cannonball hits me, its dream's birthday in two days, TWO FUCKING DAYS AND HE STILL HASNT GOT A PRESENT FUCK. its fine, ill get it tomorrow, if i don't get him one, its not too bad cause he never gets me anything right? no, no i'm not that type of person.. i go back upstairs to my room, plonk myself on my gaming chair and sit and read twitter.

it was a message, from.. George, wait dream's boyfriend, no, best friend* , why's he texting me? i'm nothing to do with dream, well i am but yeah he doesn't know me tho.


hey y/n.


why is my brother that literally hates me's boyfriend texting me, go text drista or my other sister, dream would be able to tell you their whole life story, meanwhile me , he'd give a stutter so why'd you message me?


1. I'M NOT HIS BOYFRIEND 2. i didn't know he hated you 3. he always talks about how proud he is of you.


so he's an attention seeker too fucksake, ill speak to him later, he 's never spoke to me and when he does he'll tease me like " shut up freak" when i dont even say anything so i gave up trying, his internet persona is different to his real persona.


oh im so sorry, you want me to talk about it to him?

yes, yes i do


no dw, its fine ill sort it, also how did you get my disc?




how-? well guess i have to get a new discord


okay but don't forget to tell me your new one, i want to check up on you.


okay dw i will byee


byee y/n

'seems his best friend has better common sense than him haha' i thought to myself as i climbed into bed.

after a few seconds, my eyes began to feel heavy and i slowly let them shut to allow me into dreams or should i say nightmares.

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