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We get back to the apartment where Toby isn't there! He drops me. " Toby?" I shout walking through the few rooms Tommy's apartment has. " Yeah " he shouts " where are you? " I say back,  " just in the bathroom I'll be out in a sec "  he says " okie dokie I'll go on my way back to Tommy!"

" Tommy?" I ask he looks at me, with a ' what ' look. " Do you have any cookie dough ice cream?" He heads towards his kitchen and gives me a whole tub of it.
" Thank you! " I say while hugging him. He gives a smile in return and I run to the sofa to eat it. " Tommy?" I say with a mouthful of ice cream, " hmm" he reply, " how much of this am I allowed to eat? " He rolls his eyes and says " as much as you like as lon-" he was cut off due to me screaming, he turns round to see tubbo/Toby tickling me mercilessly and i was so helpless it was unreal. He shakes it off, leaves us to it while I shout for his help, he ends up running to help Toby.


Tommy's Pov:

Oh my god, this girl, she loves falling asleep any place, anywhere. I wrap my arms under her with the blanket being wrapped around her back, she was so peaceful it was shockingly cute, I take her into my room where tubs is asleep on the top bed and I can put y/n on the bottom and I'll sleep on my chair or sofa, I lay her down and I go to walk off when she grabs my hand as I turn to walk away and hear her groan " toms stayyy" I tell her that I can't and she squeezes my hand tighter " okay okay but we have to be up before Toby" she mumbles a slight mm before she pulls me on to the bed (NOT LIKE THAT, NOT SEXUALLY)
I move a slight bit away from her so it's not weird or something, yet she never let go of my hand, I feel myself go a bit pink thinking about but I shook it off as she was asleep so she wouldn't have known. Wait, didn't she say her birthday was coming up? Yeah the ( for this, your birthday is 27th November, sorry if it isn't but it would make no sense if it was like insert your birthday ) 27 of November. So 5 days to give her the best gift. Hmm. I'll worry bout that tomorrow after she heads to work. I nod off and wander into a dream that almost as if I was there, just me and her.


Who's her? Who is he dreaming about.?
hang on to find out

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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