meeting will and watching tiktok with tommy <3

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After we'd finished the vlog, we made our way back to the apartment.

a few hours later

" hey y/n!" i hear tommy say, " hi tommy what's up?" i reply while still looking down at my phone, " this is wilbur,  the person i mentioned earlier?" he replies with a smile, i get up off the sofa and walk over to wilbur and hold my hand out for a shake with a smile " hi wilbur, i'm y/n!" i say, he puts his hand in mine and slowly starts shaking at it and says " hello y/n! as you already know i'm wilbur but you may call me will", i reply with " alright will", he smiles at me " okay! y/n me and will are going to stream, you coming?" tommy asks " your not sick of my presence yet?" i ask " nope and for that your coming with us" tommy smiles " aah" i say as he pulls me once again.

50 minutes later, stream has been ended and will's asleep

a/n: imagine the room was setup when tommy had the bunk beds

i was sat in the corner while will and tommy was a bit further forward. when tommy shuffled backwards, sat next to me and whispered" hey y/n, you coping alright?" " mhm! yeah i'm fine tommy, dw about me!" i reply, faking a smile " hm. alright, what you doing?" he asks " just scrolling through tiktok " i smile " can i watch some with you?" he asks with a genuine smile, " yeah, sure but my fyp is a bit weird" i smile " meh its finee" he says. i turn so that he can see my phone aswell as i can. we scroll for a few mins when a tommyinnit edit from twitchcon comes up, i double tap, liking it, tommy giggles next to me, " what's funny about tommyinnit?" i ask quietly " hm? its not about whats funny about him, you just liked an edit in front of him." he giggles " woah woah woah, so youre THE tommyinnit?"

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