introducing the place !! <3

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" hey kid, we are here, c'mon" he said turning to me, " hey!! i'm not a kid!!!! i said putting my hands on my hips " are too!" he said pulling my wrist inside " aaAAAAAAAm nott" i said as i nearly fell due to his grip. " mhm okay " he said unlocking his apartment. he dragged me inside and told me i could look around, i sat on the couch as my phone rang, " hey uhm,-" i started " tommy" he cut me off " yeah hey um, i'm just going to the bathroom to answer a call, i don't think you don't want to know the dets, but where exactly is your bathroom?" i said smiling out of gut feeling " c'mon then " he grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom " thanks" i said " no worries let me know if you need anything else mate" he said, walking out.

" dream i swear your life is going to be off god's green earth and in hell, if you ring me one more time, you understand?" i said furiously. " y/n what did he do? its george, what did dream do, where are you!?" i heard george's voice's say turning to panick than his usual tone. " he pushed me past the edge when he told me to jump off a cliff so i walked out but its okay, some nice boy found me and is helping me out and i need to go, goodbye george, ill speak later." i said rushing, tommy would have thought i had fallen down the toilet, " kid are you still alive, have you fallen down the toilet" i heard him shout from outside, right on time innit., " yeah tommy i'm fine" i shouted back, i hung up on george and walked out into the kitchen, where i stood admiring it. " like my kitchen?" i heard tommy say behind me " yeah that colour's awesome" i replied " yeah so you like the colour 'clay'" he asked " p-please don't say that name, i'm sorry"  i say, my eyes filling with up with water.

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