heading to work <3

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" y/n?" he says, i look up at him and he goes " are you ok?, you've just been looking down in the blues a lot a lately" i look around, in my thoughts, am i ok? i look back into his crystal coloured eyes and shrug my shoulders, he gives me and confused look and i just change the subject; " do you like anyone yet?" he replies " well, kinda, there's this girl in the coffee shop, she has bright green eyes that literally light up my whole world, she has this beautiful smile that would make any boy fall for her. she's gorgeous" he says with a smile. " she sounds lovely" i say as i look at time, " shit, tommy gotta go, be home at 9, i'll get us some tea on the way home" i shout as i slip my shoes on and head out the door, time being 5:45, i head to work.


i walk into my boss's office and asked " where would putting me work best for you ma'am?" " hm. till 2 if that's okay with you, if it's not i can help you get into a place where you can stock shelves." she says with a wide smile " no, no don't worry, wherever you put me, i will be grateful for" i smile back, " alright honey have a great day!" she says " you too! " i say while walking out. i make my way to till 2 and turn on the green light where the number is written, letting customers, this checkout is open, i watch as the queue arises within seconds. women with children, people my age, single men, elders ( elders are the best, they're always so sweet and kind, gosh i love them), but there was one person in particular that dazzled my eyes, it was this boy.. he had shimmering blue eyes, and bright blonde hair with an amazing smile, and a plus on he had manners. i was hoping he was coming back.

it came to 6:45, and i was told to close till 2 and start stocking shelves due to lack of people in the supermarket, i quite enjoyed making sure every shelf had food, clothes, essentials on, and restocking it, but it also annoyed when they weren't, im starting to think i have ocd. after everything had been restocked, i take a 10 min break, then i get back to work, helping customers, checking all food was in date, and taking over checkouts when it gets to 8:00, i hear " can y/n l/n please visit me in my office" i make my way there with panic overtaking my body, shit shit what did i do wrong, replays in my head over and over.

" Y/n! come in honey!" she says as i knock, " before you start, i just wanna say, whatever i did wrong, i promise i won't mess up again, please don't fire me!" i start " oh honey, you did nothing wrong, infact, you did the complete opposite!" she smiles " i did?" she nods and says " i would like to up your pay rate of 30 pound a day to 30 pound an hour, your hard work, due to getting five stars within a matter of hours, everyone recommended you, even my son and he hates this place"  i stood stunned and said " tysm you don't know how much this means to me ty" "no worries, also you may leave early" " thank you" i reply. i head out of her office and buy some things for mine and tommy's tea, i hand money over and walk out.

" TOMS I'M-" i shout as i walk in, i look forward to see him, on his phone " toms?" he says and smirks " i meant to say tom" i say " well, i like the name so call me it if you like" he says looking me dead in the eyes. i nod and walk off.

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