meeting tubbo <3

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Tommy's pov:

i walk into the room we share after she went in i walk in and she isn't on my chair, i look to my left to see the sleeping girl on the bottom bunk, i walk over and give her a kiss on the forehead. " sleep well n/n" i whisper and climb onto the top bunk.

i get up at 5 am and go sit on the sofa in the living room when my phone pings.




sup tubs?


GEuss wat?




i'm comng to brightno for a week! to come visti u!! 


wow bossman! that's pogchamp! you staying at mine?


if i cna yeah


yeah you can but one of us has to sleep on the couch


okya? y?


i kinda have someone living with me and i don't want to sacrifice her to the couch, i'd feel bad if i did




yeah, she was living on the streets, her brother neglected her and told her to k1ll herself and she was outside the coffee shop in the cold and rain, so i took her in, not as a father as c! phil did c! tommy just as a friend, not father dw


wow he's a shitty brother, is seh cool?


yeah she's cooler than cool tubs, she's got everything, she knows how to cook, work, she's funny as fuck, and she has the looks of an angel, like what more?.


looks like someone likes her!! oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh are youuu falling in lovve? 


no tubbo! don't, i like some girl from the coffee shop.


well i'm outside.


what? please tell me you're joking, i'm still in the clothes i slept in and y/n's asleep.


look tf out the window, see that taxi, yeah that's me

i look out my window to see tubbo in his merch waving at me, i quickly rush off to shove some jeans and a hoodie on and walk back to the door to where tubbo was behind.

" BIG MAN!" tubbo shouts, " keep your voice down, y/n's asleep", " is y/n the girl?" i nod my head, i hold up two fingers indicating i'll be back in two mins. tubbo nods as i turn around.

i walk in and look to my left to see y/n had woken up, " morning, sleeping beauty" i smirk as she looks at me and smiles " morning toms" she replies " aww you called me toms!!" i reply " shhh" she says, i smile and say " you coming to meet someone?"  she grumbles and mumbles sure " alr get changed, we'll be waiting,

a few minutes later,

she walks out in this:

she walks out in this:

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back to your pov:

i walk out in my clothes and some boy with brown hair and green eyes with a hoodie on that was black and said " tubbo moment". i look to tommy and he was smiling at me, i smile back and walk over " y/n tubbo, tubbo y/n." tommy says, " hi, nice hoodie!" i say " thanks, nice chain! " i smile and he smiles back, i look up to tommy that was happy we were getting along, " yo toms!" i say " yes n/n"  he smiles back " what we up to today?" i ask, tubbo pipes up and asks if we can go roller blading, i reply " well, me and tommy don't have rollerblades, and i don't know how to" i say kinda upset " tommy looks at me and says " who says i don't?" he runs to the cupboard and pulls out 3 pairs of rollerblades, one with bees on, one with red and white and a black one with white that matches the red. i stand at him blinking for a few seconds and he says " c'mon come get a pair you two."  he holds the bee one out to tubbo and he gets excited, i remember him telling me about how tubbo was madly obsessed with bees, at this point it was funny, he then looks at me " black", i nod, i look at them and realise they were matching, but pretend i didn't notice.

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