vent <3 ( part of the story)

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back to your pov:

"bzz bzz" i wake up to once again. wait a second, where am i? 

" hello?" i shout leaning up, " morning" i hear someone say as a boy my age, as he drops his head down and scares shit out of me " oh sorry did i scare you?" he says softly " yeah, you did, and who are you and why did you kidnap me?" i reply " did you forget-" he says " ohh you're tommy" i say, smiling " yep" he replies " thanks for letting me stay, when do  you want me out?"   i ask " whenever your ready" he smiles, i feel my cheeks flare up as he smiles and i quickly look down at my phone to hide it, my phone beeps and says " work starts tommorow" " woah what was that?" tommy asks " oh it's just my calendar alert sorry" i say " don't apologize, can you do that to mine?" he says with his head down so is hair flops " yeah sure pass me your phone" i laugh, he passes his phone down and i set it to speak aloud and say " now you just need to put an event. " thanks kid" he replies " i'm not a kid" i say " well, i've got a vlog to be shot today, you wanna come or stay here and do your own thing?" he smiles " hmmm. can i come?" i ask " ofc, do you have any other clothes?" he says with a contagious smile on his face " uhmm no, does that mean i can't go?" i reply with a frown " no ofc not, i'll give you some of my old clothes dw"
he replys, " tysm" i say " no problem" he smiles back.

" how's it look?" i ask, walking out the bathroom to the blond boy thats waiting outside for me, " hmm needs a little adjustments" he says as he rolls up my  shirt sleeves a bit " perfect" he says
" thanks" i say with a smile " no problem" he smiles back. " can i sit on your couch?" i ask " my what?" he replies confusedly " your couch?",  " you can sit on my sofa, not my couch" he says " what's the difference, tamato, tomato" i reply laughing " theres a big difference, we are british, not american" he replys " okayyy fine, ill be british" i say, once again laughing " thank you, you may sit on my sofa" he says, making his way to sit next to me, " soo how come you were on the streets and what's your name and i made you a coffee." he says, starting a convo " well 1. ty for the coffee, 2. my name's y/n but you can call me n/n or freak if you like-" i start getting cut off by tommy " freak? i refuse to call you freak but carry on" " 3. so basically, my brother neglected me for my other sisters, and a few days before his birthday, i was heading out the door for his bday present and he'd said to me ' where are you going freak?' as id gone to answer and then he said ' i didnt actually wanna know, i hope youre going to jump off the nearest cliff' that was when i burst, every day, id get home from college or work and hear all my other siblings laughing, so id turn on music and drown it out with my tears, so i grabbed a few of my things, not thinking logically more panicked, and i went out the door near the coffee shop where you found me. ignoring the calls and shouts my brother insisted on answering." i say looking down, but not crying " oh y/n that's horrible-" he starts " i'm sorry for pouring my heart out on you" i say with a small smile " hey hey its okay, c'mere" he says pulling me in for a hug, after a few mins, i'd pulled away saying " can we go do the vlog?" " yeah ofc, also i have a friend coming over afterwards and you and meet them if you'd like " he smiled.

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