you need a place to sleep..? <33

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" hello?" i say, unknown to who was on the other side as i did not look at the caller's id, " y/n pleas-" " Dream fuck off, leave the freak alone would ya?" i replied in frustration and hung up. for the next 45 minutes straight, i sat playing on my phone until someone approached me " hey, do you need a place to sleep?" a boy, who looked my age, asked me " uhm yes why?" i replied confusedly " would you like to stay with me?" he replied with a genuine smile, " how do i know you're not going to kidnap me?" i replied staring into his soul, " i promise i won't kidnap you, i'm just being nice." he said reaching out to help me off the floor, i took his hand and he lifted me up. i look at him and my instant reaction is to hug him, i hug him and say into his shirt " thank you so much, you don't know how much this means to me", he replies " its not a worry mate, i've got a spare bed so don't worry about it.". " c'mon then stupid " he says walking infront, i run trying to catch up and when i caught up, i looked up into his bright shimmering eyes, which shone a soft shade of blue, and smiled , with my teeth, " you've got a nice smile, btw how old are you?" he said grinning " uh thanks? and i'm 17" i replied, " hah mother fucker, i'm older" he said now laughing " you're funny" i laugh " why thank you dear madam" he bowed, and we both burst out laughing. we

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