going back to the hellhouse <3

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10:00 am

i slightly raise my head up off of what i thought was the pillow, when i realize it wasn't my pillow, i hear a voice say " sorry did i wake you?" i look up to see i was laying on tommy's chest, i feel my face turn red and i put my face down back onto tommy's chest and say " no dw, you didn't wake me" so it turns out muffled. " hm tommy, i think i might go get my clothes today, but erm.." i start after i calmed down and now sat up. "that's good" he replies " but erm, i don't wanna go alone, w-would you go with me?, i fear if i go alone, he'll beg me and ill give in and then it starts up again" " sure ill go" he replies " really? ty ty ty " " No problem, what time?" " uh about in an hour?" i reply smiling.

10:45 am

" y/n?" tommy asks, " yeah tommy!" i reply, " would you like to get some more of my old clothes?" he says " yes please! " i smile. he hands you some clothes and you head to the bathroom.


the clothes he handed you:

with shorts underneath and no bag over the middle, and imagine it being red

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with shorts underneath and no bag over the middle, and imagine it being red.

i walk out and tommy says " better lend you some of my clothes more often, you rock them better than me" i laugh at his comment " shall we go then mr.innit?" " hmm we shall" he laughs

we get halfway there and i spot my favourite cafe, moksha caffe, " can i take you there on the way back?" " fine." "YAY!" i shout and i see tommy's face light up watching me get excited. 

"knock knock"

" can i- Y/N!?" dream shouts while jumping on me for a hug, i push him off and say, " I'm not here for you or my siblings, i'm here for my stuff, the only thing that should be left is my pc and it will be moved when i get my own apartment." "oh. go get your things then and who tf are you?" dream replies, now sad, " this is the owner of the apartment that allowed me to stay with him and don't take your fucking anger or sadness out on him" i say, i hear dream mumble. " you coming tommy?" i say while walking in, " yeah coming y/n" he says trailing behind me. 

we reach my room and open my door, i think to myself ' oh boy am i gonna miss this place', i pack my things and we head out the door, " BYE DRISTA, AND-" (we don't know the name of dream's other siblings so let's just call her hazel) " HAZEL, and lastly farewell dream" i walk away with my head held high and excitement cause we were going to my favourite cafe of all time.

i drag tommy inside of the cafe where we find a 2 seater table, " here, have a look" i say while handing him a menu. " i think ill go for a .. eggs florentine and a coke you?" he says " vegan falafel bowl and a mocha" i smile, we put the menus back in the stand and the waitress seems to appear " y/n! you're back, haven't seen you in so long! where you been girl?" the waitress says " moved down into further brighton, i'll still come back tho, i could never leave this place, too good" i smile in return " well the usual, falafel bowl and a mocha in a travel to go cup?" she asks " please, you know me too well" i laugh " and for the man?" she questions " uh could i have the eggs florentine with a coke please" tommy says " no problem your food, shall be here in no time" 

5 minutes later,

" your food is served my dears" the waitress says " thank you " me and tommy say, i watch  tommy take his first bite and say "  we need to come here more, this place is pogchamp." i laugh at his comment, i open my salad and start eating, after we ate a bit we had a drink but i forgot to put sugar in, so i had put 4 sugars in, the usual, and tommy's mind was blown " m8 are you trying to give yourself diabetes?" he says " uhm no?" i say " with how many sugars went in that mocha, you'll catch it in one sip" he replies" nah dw" i laugh, we finish our food and ask for the bill, as i was getting my money out, tommy pulled out 30 pounds and handed it to the waitress, " tommy, i was gonna pay, you didn't have to do that" i say, " i know but i wanted to, shall we head home?", he replies, with a smile. " yeah sure but next time im paying" i say " hmm we'll see" i hear him mumble.

15 minutes later, 12:00 pm

" TOMMY!" i shout " YEAH Y/N" i hear him shout " I'M GETTING CHANGED SO DON'T COME IN THE BATHROOM, I'LL COME IN YOUR ROOM WHEN I AM DONE" i shout back " OKAY!" he says back, i step into the bathroom and get changed


what you wore:

what you wore:

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i walk out and walk into mine and tommy's room " bathroom's free "  i say, " wil, i've fallen hard for her, like harder than hard" i hear tommy say. tommy looks me dead in the eyes and says " will gotta go. cya" he spins his chair to face me in the doorway, " sup y/n?" " can i sit with you until i have to go to work?" i ask " yeah sure" he says.

1046 words POG!!! in the matter of 2 days. and tysm for get this 5 in the charts, much appreciated, keeping in mind, this is my first book.

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