his present <3

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" bzz buzz" once again my phone said, in attempt to wake me up. I turned over to pick up my phone and stop the annoying vibration. " ugh for fucksake, i need to get the bastard's present today." i curse under my breath before climbing out of my bed, i make my bed and get changed.
i walk downstairs and shove a breakfast bar down my throat before heading out the door before hearing " where are you going freak?" i turn around and open my mouth to speak and i get cut off by dream saying " i didnt actually want to know, i don't care, i hope your going to jump off the nearest cliff." after he said that, i lost it "  WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO YOU!? WHY? WHY AM I THE HATED FUCKING CHILD! Y'KNOW BEING CALLED FREAK, BEING NEGLECTED, HAVING NO FRIENDS AND BEING TOLD TO K!LL YOURSELF HURTS, DO YOU HAVE COMMON SENSE? THAT'S IT, IM MOVING OUT, WHY COULDNT YOU HAVE BEEN A NORMAL, LOVING BROTHER LIKE YOU ARE TO MY OTHER SIBLINGS AND FYI I WAS GOING FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY PRESENT BUT FUCK IT" i shouted barging past him and up to my room to pack my things. " y/n wai-" he said and i cut him off saying " don't give me that bullshit, i'll live on the streets if i have to, it's better than being here " " y/n-" he said pleading at this point. " no dream, enjoy your time with my other siblings because i'm gone". i walked out the door and i heard dream let out crys as i  walked off.

i walked off into the distance, eventually reaching a coffee shop. i walked a bit past the coffee shop and plonked myself with my back against the wall and my knees pressed to my chest and my head where i had placed my knees. i eventually, raised my head realizing i had 50 pounds on me. " that's my tea for the next few days" i laugh to myself. i watch millions of people walk by living their lives not having the shit i have. until hours of waiting, i get a phonecall.

One big change.| Tommyinnit x Female Y/n FanficWhere stories live. Discover now