work again 🙄! <3

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I walk out and tommy says " are we going to that pog cafe, moshka or smt i thought it was?" i smile and say " sure but we'll have to set off now so we can have at least 20 mins or smt" he nods and tubbo runs off out the door "he's. quick." tommy laughs at me after i say as we follow behind the crazy running boy.


" are we in and out?" tubbo asks, me and tommy nod our heads in sync knowing we don't have time to stay. " what do you want?" i ask tommy " can of coke please, here pay for us all " "pepsi please?" tubbo chimes in, tommy passes me his card, i pass it back with a smile and a shake of the head, he insists it back with a nod and a smile in return. i take his card and roll my eyes with another shake of my head. I see a cheesy grin appear on his face and i mumble " shut up". he pats my head as if i'm a dog with a chuckle , i stick my middle finger up at him.


"here honey, is that all today" the cashier says, "yes! thank you! have a lovely rest of your day!" i reply. " you too honey!" she shouts as we walk off. " tubbo, tommy" i say passing over drinks. " thanks y/n" the boys say in sync " no problem" i reply and start walking in front. "we're here" i say. "okay see you y/n." tommy says, he comes towards me for a hug and we share it for a few seconds before tubbo pipes up. " c'mere then " i say and tubbo comes running at me. his grip nearly chokes me to death. " oka- oka- tub-" after he heard that i was struggling he let go.
i waved and headed off.

6:00 ^^ on time

" morning ma'am!" i say walking into my boss's office. she looks up and goes " Y/n! please, call me jordan!" " okay jordan, where would you like me today!"i say " till 4 please, we're busy today haha" i nod and head off. i finish all the customers until one person comes, him, the guy with the prettiest eyes and the bright blondest fluffy hair. he was back but this time. it was about 7:57 and he just didnt appear, it was like i didn't even like him although before i knew for sure i did.
guess i was just exhausted?.


i was putting my last box away, when the boy with the pretty eyes walked up to me,when he had left ages ago, " hey y/n right?" he says " mhm can i help you with anything?" i reply with a wide no teeth smile. " my mom told me your name, i'm sam i know we don't know each other and all but you look cool you wanna hang out after your shift maybe?" he smiles awkwardly " i am so sorry, i can't after my shift but we can exchange numbers after my shift to sort smt out sometime if that sounds good sam?" he nods with a smile. i take my phone out after he walks a bit away. to check the time 9:00. i take my badge off and place it in the back on the pin wall and come out to join sam. we exchange pones he puts his contact and names it " your soon to be bf 😘💖✨" and i save my contact as " prettiest gal you'll ever speak to~😍" he looks up and smiles, still nothing, i brushed it off once again and head out the shop.

i was walking watching tiktok zoned out, "y/n are you okay?" said person i bumped into, you would have never guessed who it was, tommy. " yh im fine you overdramatic dimwit," he rolls my eyes and threatens to drop me as he was currently holding me from hitting the floor. " okay okay if you let me go but on my feet ill give you a hug" i say he, " I can literally kick you out of, onto the streets." I smile and go " you could, not saying you couldn't but you wouldn't because your too much of a pussy! " He gives me a wide smile, picks me up and throws me other his shoulder and started walking home holding me over his shoulder.

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