Chapter 27: Shouldn't Come Back

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[Kaitelyn's POV]

As I sat on the bed, I thought for a moment. Do I want to comeback? If I comeback, I might ruin her life, again. But I should let Katy know that im safe for now.

No, I wont stay here for long because I might ruin this guy's career. I dont want to cause him trouble. He was so nice to me, he even let me stay at his house. He doesnt even know me at all, yet he made me stay at his house. "Hey Kaitelyn" I was shooked off by my thoughts with Adam's voice. I waved shyly at him at he sat next to me. We were on his bedroom. Yes, he let me sleep beside him. "You ready to make the call?" He asked. A short pause has been made then slowly, I nodded. He grabbed his phone on his pocket and he dialled the number that I dictated. A few minutes later, it was answered.

[Adam's POV]

"You're bound to release it next week and you also have a guest appearance on Ellen." I nodded at my manager who is wrapping up our meeting to an end. "That's all for today. I'll text you the details later Adam. You can go." I stood up from my seat and got out of the building and head home. Kaitelyn was still in my house and I have to contact her mom to let her know that she is safe.

"This is not working Adam. Its really not working. With this baby coming and you're career about to blow-up, its not gonna work." "But Kaye, we can get this all figured out! Please dont do this." I pleaded to my soon-to be wife but- "Sorry Adam. Lets just stop here. Its probably for the best. Im sure you can find another girl better for you." And then, just like that she was gone. She slipped right into my hands, my one and only love is gone.

I shooked off the thought out of my head and parked my car at my garage. I got out of my car and headed inside. "Good Afternoon Adam." Maddie greeted while she was dusting off my living area. "Good Afternoon Maddie. Where's Kaitelyn?" "She's in your room." "Ok Thanks, Maddie." She just nodded and I walked into my room.

"Hey Kaitelyn" she was a little startled at my sudden appearance but, she shyly waved later on. She reminds me of someone I know a long time ago. I sat down beside her and asked "You ready to make the call?" A short pause has been made but, she nodded a little later. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialled the number she dictated. It rang and it was answered for a few minutes. "Hello?" A lady voice has been made, a rough lady voice. "I have no time so you better speak up." "I-uh-yo-" "What!?" Her voice boomed at my ear and I have to removed the phone at my ear for a moment. I brought the phone back to my ear and - Okay whoever you are, im in no mood for prank calls so goodbye." And just like that, she hung up.

Why the hell did I stutter for? Because you think the girl you called is Kaye. What the fuck- No! "Hey Kaitelyn she hung up." She just sighed and looked down. I can tell she is thinking of something. "Maybe you should just text her. If she doesnt reply back or react then, I dont know what to do for now." She grabs her bag that is placed on the floor and starts digging into it.

I look at her and see the resemblance of my past. I see her. I see Kaye. But its impossible. Kaye is already in London with someone else. She's already married two years ago and I havent heard anything from her until now. Maybe she's fine with her-Our daughter.

"Adam?" My thoughts were shook off by the little girl that was standing infront of me holding up a bear. "Yes Kaitelyn?" "Can I watch cartoons?" I smiled at her and nodded. I opened my TV and gave her the remote. I watched her as she giggles at the cartoon she's watching. She might 8 or 9 years old but I can say she really love cartoons like a small kid. I mean, she's still a kid, what I meant to say is, she enjoys watching cartoons like a 5 year old. You get what I mean?

A knock came off sounding from the door and Maddie's voice is heard. "Sir, Lunch is ready." I looked at Kaitelyn and saw that she is still busy watching cartoons. "Okay. We'll be down." I heard her footsteps disappear. I stood up and headed to my bathroom. I washed my face and change my clothes into something more comfortable.

"Let's eat up Kaitelyn." She stood up and followed me downstairs. We both sat at the dining room with Maddie on the left side of the table and me and Kaitelyn on the other side. We ate silently and listened to the radio that is currently broadcasting news.

"Pop singer, Katy Perry is out with her friends looking for her lost child. If by any chance you seen this girl, please contact the local police. An award would be given."

Oh, Katy lost her child? Did she even had a Kid? I know im not really updated with stuff like that. I never even met Katy personally before. I wonder what her child looks like. "Can I be excused Adam?" I looked at Kaitelyn and her almost finished lunch, nodded at her. She walked upstairs and disappeared into my sight.

[Kaitelyn's POV]

I should had thought of that. Now I cant go outside because someone might recognize me and bring me to Katy! The TV was still on and I grabbed the remote that was lying on the bed. I changed the channel into ABC and shocked to see my picture plastered on the TV screen. I quickly shut off the TV and I can feel my heart beating like a drum. Everyone is going to look for me. I cant go out of this house. I should disappear. I cant be a burden again to Katy. Maybe I shouldn't come back again into her life.

But, Adam will soon know that im that missing child of Katy. If he sees the news report on the news channel im definitely sure he would bring me back to Katy. I cant let that happen! I have to think! Think Kaitelyn!


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