Chapter 2.Flashback

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(Creators note:This chapter is a flashback from when sunset met twilight for the first time)

Princess Celesta was leading the students to the classroom.Everything was new to Sunset,and new to every pony here!As they enter the classroom,Princess Celestia used her magic to bring in a seating plan of where every pony would be sitting.Sunset was next to a purple unicorn.Twilight.

All the ponys went to sit down.Twilight being the last.Even since a young filly,Twilight preferred to be alone.Jealous of Moondancer,The only young filly who was alone.

Twilight finally took a seat next to sunset.Her purple eyes were staring at sunset with a "who are you?" Look on her face.This made sunset give back a weird look.Sunset thought she was the most powerful in the class,making her the popular girl,However no one knew about twilights extra classes.

People would call twilight and sunset best of friends as they were always talking.But really Twilight had no friends and sunset,well sunset kind of liked twilight more then a friend.

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