Chapter 10-Her Body

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-adagio's perspective for this chapter-

Me,Aria and sonata walked into sunsets home.I dropped all the bags I was holding.So did the others.I ran up to sunset.finding her on the floor with a knife in her stomach.Still breathing,just unconscious.

"For goodness sake.what the fuck happened!" Aria shouted.Picking up sunsets body,I replied "how the fuck am I ment to know aria!" Sonata took her phone and called an amblulance but aria took over as she was crying her eyes out.

5 minutes later,the ambulance arrived.I called the rainbooms numbers using sunsets phone,which was next to her on the ground.

Only one person could go in the ambulance with sunset so I went.Aria and sonata went in sunsets car.The ambulance ride took 10 minutes.One of the amblulance drives made sure sunset stayed breathing.

We made it to the hospital at 1:10.We we're in the waiting room when I started crying. "It's all my fucking  fault.If I didn't have the stupid fucking idea to get some new clothes we could of stopped this"I stuttered.Aria pulled me into a group hug with the crying sonata.she hates seeing stuff like this.

right afterwards,we heard someone talking from behind. "Actually darling,It was rainbows fault." They said.It turned out to be rarity with the rain booms. "Hey why the fuck are the rain blossoms here dagi!"aria asked.

"And how the fuck is it my fault!" RD added. All the rain booms turned to face RD. "silly dashie! You told sunset to go kill her self  and then called her a she-demon! :)" pinkie told RD with a smile on her face.

"Oh you little bitch.THIS WOULD OF NEVER HAPPENED IF YOU DIDN'T FUCKING CALL HER A SHE-DEMON! OR TOLD HER TO KILL HER SELF!" I screamed at RD. AJ touched my shoulder. "Calm down sugar cube.RD only did it due to anger issues."AJ said.I calmed down

"Are you all for sunset shimmer?If so you can al come in.She's awake." A nurse told us.We all walked in.Pinkie sat on the bed with sunset and hugged her.So did I.

"Aw is dagi catching feelings for her best friend?" Sunset asked me in her annoying baby voice. My face went red.I couldn't tell if it was embarrassment or blush. "N-No I only think of you as a best friend you idiot.Plus your dating pinkie." I told her back.Everyone started laughing.

"Oh dagi.Me and pinkie made an agreement that we can date 2 people at once but can only marry 1 of them." Sunset said to me. (I know it's weird it's just a thing me and a rp pinkie acc have on my sunset rp acc)

"Alright then .Sunset shimmer will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her with my face all red. She replied with "yes!"

Everyone clapped as I kissed her cheek. "SunShim.I'm sorry I called you a she-demon and told you to kill your self.It's just my anger got ahead of me" RD told sunset.I rolled my eyes.

The nurse came in after 5 minutes saying that we had to go home now and she will be dismissed in a week.

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