Chapter 5.Lunch in the VP luna's office.

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(Creators note:if I say VP,It means Vice principle and P means principle)

It was time for lunch and I had just left the medical room after my hand landed and got cut on broken glass.I was to scared to make an appearance  in the Cafeteria.I don't understand why they can't remember me beating the sirens.It's just weird.

VP luna was with me still.I'm allowed at anytime to go in her office at lunch.She knows about me beating the sirens,Or as they know them,the Dazzlings.I don't understand why.

"Sunset,what would you like to eat today?"VP luna asked me with a smile on her face.I sat down. "O-Oh I'm not hungry,thanks."I stuttered back.VP Luna gave me a look. "Sunset.I have been letting you eat in here ever since the lunch after the rainbooms has that failed semi-finals performance.I can tell when your trying to starve yourself.Now cheese or tuna sandwich?" Luna told me.

"Cheese.." I replied.Stupid death wishes are getting to my head.Now I'm trying to starve myself? What's next.I was handed a cheese sandwich.VP Luna always has spares as she is delivered 50 sandwiches every day for the lunch detention Children.25 Tuna and 25 cheese,but she always has spares as their are never 50 students in lunch detention as once.

I started to eat my cheese sandwich slowly but still enjoyed it.VP Luna let's me get my phone out in her room even though there's a no phones in school policy.I was reading a wattpad story when there was a knock at the door.I quickly put my phone away. "Come in!" VP Luna Shouted.P Celestia walked in.

"Oh Sunset thought to see you in here!"P deleting exclaimed.I put my cheese sandwich down."What do you need miss?" I asked.The bell went.Time for the final lesson.I grabbed my bag and was about to walk out the door until P Celestia stopped me and said "Sunset.I've emailed your teacher.If you wanna go home you can."

I choose to go home.

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