Chapter 3.A regular school day.

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(Creators note:Sorry for the very short chapters,This is my first story in 2 years.This story was called 'Sunset Shimmers revenge' however I have a different idea for this story,Also from now on this story will be in first person from the eyes of sunset)

It was a start of a new day.Twilight had left the human world yesterday to head back to her perfect pony life.The hate has gotten a little better since the fall formal but I'm still getting hate.If only people liked me.

I ran to my locker to get my science book.But on the way I encounter Trixie and Snips and Snails.Snips and Snails use to be my 'servants' until the events at the fall formal,I'm guessing they went over to Trixie.

"Well Well,The meanie has the same lesson as me.pfft i hope an explosion takes place and kills you."Trixie chuckled.That was the first death wish I have ever gotten,and who would of known it was from The Great And Powerful Trixie! Which is what she liked to call herself.

On the way to Science,I ran into fluttershy,And I mean ran into.Luckily fluttershy didn't fall but I did,and to my luck my hand landed into a piece of glass.You could see a bunch of glass around from a water bottle,and it was from the one and only.Trixie's water bottle.You could tell as some of the glass pieces had a letter in blue and when you put those pieces in order it spelt 'Trixie'

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry sunset.Is your hand okay? Do you need the medical room?"Fluttershy stuttered as she pulled a whole box of tissues from her backpack filled with animals.She helped me up and put about 25 tissues onto my cut hand.Then we walked together to class.

In class.We had Cheerlie as our substitute teacher.Fluttershy explained to Cheerlie what happened and we were allowed to head to the medical room

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