Chapter 14-The Sun in Sunset Shimmer 2

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I was back standing on stage talking to RD.I had forgiven her finally.Adagio was behind me just in case anything 'bad' happened.I was facing the way where the Audience would sit.

"Pssst.pssst Sunni.Can we get McDonald's for dinner." Adagio whispered to my ear.I smiled and whispered back saying "sure we can dagi." RD walked off to go talk to fluttershy.

I drank my coke while watching adagio stop an argument with aria and sonata about whose smarter. "I'm smarter since your the worst!"aria blurted. "You are the worst!"sonata yelled. "You two are both huge idiots,ugh." Adagio muttered. I laughed my head off which made them all stared at me.

RD then walked back to me. "Hey SunShim.sorry I didn't ask you sooner but do you wanna join the rain booms! We need a new lead singer." RD asked me. "I would but I don't sing.I prefer guitar which is you." I told her with a smile in my face. She rolled her eyes. "SunShim you can sing.and I don't care if you play guitar as well!" RD said. I agreed to join the rainbooms.

Half an hour passed and I was back on the stage with adagio.Facing where the audience was once again.Until I heard a familiar voice speak behind me."

"My dear old student.I never believed you were in good hands.But I see with your new friends here in this other world.I'm proud to say you know friendship as much as twilight sparkle" the voice said.I turned around to find
Two Celestias! One was principle Celestia but the other wore a beautiful flowing dress,then I realised who it was..

"P-Princess Celestia?" I said Bowing down. Princess twilight appeared behind her smiling. "You may not have been the one to find it.but I believe that the sun to you,sunset shimmer, appears when helping people with friendship problems.Just like twilight just in this world." Princess Celestia said. I hugged her.

I may not have been the one to find it.But I have finally found the sun to sunset shimmer.

Sunset shimmer signing off.

~~The End~~

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