Chapter 8.Snow night!

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(Creators note:there will be some swearing in this part)

I woke up to adagio sitting on my bed.It was midnight. "Adagio what the hell are you doing on my bed!" I asked.She has dark circles around her eyes,I could tell she wasn't able to get to sleep. "I can't sleep.Your brothers room stinks!"Adagio replied back.I started to laugh but she gave me a look.

I sat next to her and said "aww did baby dagi have a nwightmare??" In an annoying voice.She then jumped onto me. "NO I DID NOT YOU LITTLE BI-"She shouted right before I covered her mouth.We then both started laughing.

I opened the curtains to find snow outside.I mean it was January.Adagio looked amazed at the white frosty snow. "Dagi wanna go play in the snow?" I asked her.She crossed her arms. "One Don't call me dagi or I will call you Sunni.Two ITS FUCKING FREEZING!"Adagio shouted.I then dragged her arm to my closet where I got out 2 coats,2 pairs of boots,2 hats,2 scarfs and 2 pairs of gloves.

We put them on and ran into my garden.It was covered in snow.After about 5 minutes,I threw a snowball at her head.She was not impressed. "What the hell did you throw at me bitch" she yelled.It took her 30 seconds to calm down and then we both laughed our heads off.I could tell she was a different person now.

It was 5 minutes to 1am when we came back in.We both tiptoed past where sonata and aria were asleep and went back into my room.We got out of the outdoor clothes and sat on the bed,the time was now 1am.It took her 5 minutes until she fell asleep on my bed.So I slept in a sleepingbag

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