Chapter 12-Enough Is Enough

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It is Tuesday morning and I had rode my new red bike to school.Me and the Dazzlings got a bike each.I had science as my first lesson.I remember what happened last time I had science.Hopefully I don't encounter trixie.

I was at my locker until.She came. "Miss she-demon ready for science?Im still waiting for an explosion to kill you." Trixie chuckled. "And I hope that....never mind" xxxxz   z. zez zcecrI was about to say until I stopped. I pushed tricks to her side and walked off.h

Fluttershy was in my.     science.Luckily.She was also my partner.Today was also a test which means no expiriments that could kill me.


it was time for break.Next Lesson I had PE with RD.I still wasn't really talking to her.I met with Pinkie who was with rarity as they both had English.The assembly was after lunch.

After break,I went to PE with RD.She tried to start a conversation but I just ignored.We we're practising for the friendship games.We we're all in the same Pe as we all signed up for the moterbiking,however only two of us could get in.

—time skip to lunch—

For lunch I decided to try the cafeteria.I had my own lunch.Dagi made me a chicken and cheese sandwich.I sat alone at an empty table.Away from the rain booms.It took me 10 minutes before I walked out to head to VP Lunas office.

On the way to VP lunas office.I spotted Adagio on the steps outside with Aria and Sonata. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I walked to them. "Hey sunset.We're here for the assembly. P Celestia asked us surprisingly." Aria replied.

We chatted for a bit and then I left to get my book to message twilight.On the way I once again encounter Trixie. "Oi she-demon is back! Have you heard.We don't have English next.It's cancelled for an assembly.Why you going to get your book?" Trixie asked. I rolled my eyes and walked off. She pushed me. "Miss she-demon walking away from the great and powerful trixie now? Pathetic." Trixie laughed

"You know what trixie.Enough is Enough.I've had enough of your bullying.So you might aswell stop as it it won't bother me anymore." I proudly told her and walked off. She walked the other direction.It was now 1:05.Assembly started at 1:20 but the bell goes at 1:15. I started making my way and made it at 1:10

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