Chapter I.

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Footsteps are running over the wooden floor, beneath it lies a little boy, trying his best not to cry loudly. Blood spills everywhere, everyone is screaming and yelling for help, while cyborgs are killing them all.

The boy wakes up.

"...that dream again..." he sighs and looks at his hands which is bruised and dirty bandages on them.

Having white hair, white eyes, pale skin and standing on a very average height of a pre-teen, it's clear, that he's the boy from the dream.

"Alright Hacke. Another day, what will we do today?" He told himself, looking at the city from the tree he slept in.

He climbs down the tree, but his bruised hands slipped and his butt connected the floor. He almost cried, but held it in.

"Oh well, I'm going to make this the best day ever!" Hacke told himself, getting back up and running through the forest to get to the city.


A few minutes later, he got to the market, food by almost each and every stall. He walked around, trying to look where the guards are. He noticed that they're all not very close by, giving him the opportunity that every thief needs.

He went to the closest food shop, then quickly grabbed a bread loaf and an apple and ran for it. The guards immediately ran after him.

"Hey you! Stop right there!" The guards shouted, like any thief would just do what they say.

Living for almost 2 years by himself, this is a routine thing for him to do, hence why he knows the shortcuts to each and every side.

He looks behind him for a quick second to see how far they are, which is quite a distance, but as he turned around, another guard knocked him down with his arm and arrested Hacke.

"Gotcha'!" The man said, looking a bit more formal than the other guards.

"Ah Yomo. I actually didn't see you there." He told him.

"That was the point. You're under arrest, again." He told little Hacke and cuffed him.

The rest of the people applauded the police.


In the interrogation room, Hacke is been questioned by the guard who caught him.

"Hacke. It's been too many times that you're stealing food from the food markets and stalls. Why are you stealing it?" Yomo asks him nicely, but also with an attitude of exhaustion.

"I was hungry." Hacke said.
Yomo sighed.

"You say that every-fucking-time. Look, Hacke. We've been over this too many times. Get a job. That way you can earn money and buy your own food like all the normal people." Yomo exclaimed.

"What makes you think I want to be normal?" Hacke asked him, looking him directly into the eyes.

A lady walks in, formal clothes, ponytail brown hair, almost like the typical secretary.

"Captain Yomo. I'm Luna from the Department of Magic research and security." Luna said, holding out a hand to greet him.

"Captain Yomo of the police force of Freedom city. What's your business here? This is a normal minor crime case." He stated.

"That might be true, but we also found curse traces to this boy while you were chasing him. I'm afraid that I'll be taking over the investigation." She said.

Yomo sighed but then opened a chair for her.

"I hope you don't mind, but I'll be joining you in this investigation." He said. She ignored him.

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