Chapter IV

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Hacke woke up with the sun shining in his eyes. He stood up, did as many pushups as he could, which wasn't even 10, then he stretched out a bit.

He went to say good morning to Yomo, but Yomo wasn't in his room.

Hacke went to the kitchen and saw a lady making food.

"Good morning Hacke. It is Hacke, right?" She asked with a smile on her face. Having blonde hair and blue eyes, with a nice body figure and seeming to be in her mid 30's, this is probably a new nanny.

"Are you the new nanny?" Hacke asked her.

"Well, complicated situation, but yes. I'm actually Yomo's ex wife. Kaitlen Morrow, at your service." She said to him. She stopped stirring in the pot and went to Hacke to get a better look at him.

"Oh my, you are a cute one. Your hair is fluffy as well. Say, I have a son, Debreant Morrow. He's around your age. Why don't you go play with him? He's outside." She said to him.

"I'm not like most kids." He told her

She simply smiled and said :"Great! He's very different as well."

Hacke, who was now curious, went outside to meet this Debreant.

He came across a boy with black hair, tanned skin, but a bit chubby as well.

"You must be Hacke." Debreant said and held out his hand to shake.

"And you're Debreant Morrow." Hacke said and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Hacke!" He said then touched him on the shoulders.

"You're on!" Debreant said and ran away.

"Huh?" Hacke was confused.


Yomo was at work, busy with filing.

A knock on the door was made, but obviously he could see who it was.

"Come in Richard." Yomo said

Richard is a detective with good honours and a smart mouth.

Yomo saw the guy who he brought in.

"Captain. This man says he has a message for you." Richard told him.

"It must be important if you brought him here. Speak sir." Yomo said, holding a hand near his gun.

The man is old, has scars on his face, along with an eye patch and is well dressed.

"Hello. My name is Akira. I'm the masked man who cursed your dear Hacke. I came here to answer your questions." Akira said.

"Richard, where did you find him?" Yomo asked him.

"Actually, he volunteered. Kind of." Richard said.

"I came in here, but nobody wanted me to see you directly, so I threatened someone just to get the attention." Akira said.

"Why did you curse Hacke?" Yomo asked him, trying to stay calm and not shoot him.

"We'll, a water bucket needs to be emptied before I could give the bucket to my master." Akira said.

"Who's your master?" Yomo asks, writing everything quickly down on a notebook.

"That would be the Almighty Amon. Prince of Wrath." Akira said and Yomo stopped writing.

"Get this man out of the building." Yomo told Richard, with a bit of hesitation, Richard did so. Yomo got really angry.

He locked the door and started rampaging everywhere in his office.

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