Chapter 1: Worse than death (Part 1)

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<You are currently 10 years old and you're at the surface>

Your POV

My mom woke me up at 7:30 AM and I slowly got off my bed because I was tired. I did my daily morning routine as per usual. I went to the toilet to do my business and went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. After taking a cold shower I dried myself off, I wore a gold sweater with a black fade at the bottom and black pants and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag from my room and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom always makes the best breakfast in the whole world. When I got downstairs, I looked at the clock, and apparently, it was 7:55 AM and my classes start at 8:10 AM.

(Y/N): "Oh no! Mom, did I take too long to shower again?"

Mom: "Yes. Why did you take long to shower anyways? This happened ten times now."

(Y/N): "I'm sorry mom, I'll explain it to you after school. I gotta hurry up now. Bye, mom love you!"

I said as I was getting ready to go to school. I quickly ran out to make it to school in time. Luckily my school wasn't that far away. It was only ten minutes away from home but if I run fast enough then I'll be in five minutes there. About halfway to school, I see a black van driving very fast in my direction.

(Y/N): "Weird, I've never seen a black van before in my neighborhood and why is it driving so fast?"

But I ignored it since I was going to be late for school.

No one's POV

As the black van drove to (Y/N), the passenger door opened and a big muscular man grabbed (Y/N) and quickly closed the door. (Y/N) screamed as loud as he could and he tried to break free from the big muscular man's grasp. He managed to punch him a couple of times but (Y/N) got injected with a substance that put him immediately to sleep.

?: "He hits pretty damn hard for a kid... I wish I could repay him back for it."

??: "Do that and I'll kill you, Bruce... I don't want to go and search for another human with a determination trait... Determination is surprisingly very rare."

Bruce: "Whatever you mad scientist."

??: "Call me whatever you want because soon I'll make him kill and destroy everything (Mad scientist laugh)"

Bruce: "(I swear he gets crazier and crazier)"

Soon they arrived at a secret lab far from the city and a few minutes away from Mt. Ebott. They got inside and Injected (Y/N) with another substance that will make him asleep a bit longer. They got out of the van and Bruce carried (Y/N) over his left shoulder and walked behind the mad scientist as he led them to his secret experiment room just for (Y/N). As they entered the secret experiment room they put (Y/N) on a silver table and strapped (Y/N). The mad scientist got a lot of monster dust stored inside a large vial. He also got six different human soul traits inside a large syringe. After some time (Y/N) finally woke up.

Your POV

??: "Took a long time to wake up. Anyway, hello (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "W-who are you? What do y-you want from me? How do know my name? Why a-am I here?" I stuttered as I was looking around and looked at him in my last sentence.

??: "Hey don't worry my name is William. I promise you won't be here for too long. You see the reason why you are here is that you have a determination soul. And a determination soul is also very hard to find as they are very rare. I even hit quite the jackpot as your determination is very strong and is very perfect for my experiment haha. I've known you for quite some time because I have some people hack into every camera in the city. I even got some personal documents from the police station. And I want your determination soul for my experiment if you haven't caught on."

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