Chapter 13 Check-up

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You see the magic arms light up in a yellow color and it attaches to MK's shoulders. MK moves his new magic arms around. He seems very happy and excited with his new magic arms. Chara and Asriel came to check it out.

No one's POV

Alphys noticed something was happening upstairs so she went to check it out. MK sees Alphys and he runs toward her, he trips and for the first time, he doesn't on fall his face. He used his new magic arms. He got back up and thanked Alphys.

Alphys: "D-Do you like your new m-magic arms MK?"

MK: "I love them!"

Alphys: "R-Really? Thank you! I-If there are any problems o-or malfunctions just come back here"

MK: "Will do!"

Alphys: "O-Oh and h-here are the features the arms can do"

Alphys gave MK a few papers that list the features

Asriel: "Hey MK, what are you going to do now?"

MK: "Well I don't know yet. Why?"

Asriel: "Because I want you to try lots of stuff like baking!"

MK: "Wouldn't that damage the arms if I'm not careful enough?"

Asriel: "You know you can wear gloves right?"

MK: "Oh right"

Asriel and MK talked for a while, while Gaster and Alphys went back to work. (Y/N) and Chara sat down on the couch.

Chara felt like she was forgetting something. (Y/N) asks Chara "What's wrong?" Chara tells him that she has a feeling, she's forgetting something.

Asriel came back while MK went home to his parents. Asriel asks them if they are still going to Dr.Gaster for a stat check-up.

Chara: "Azzy you are a genius. That is what I was forgetting (Y/N)"

(Y/N): "Oh right"

(Y/N), Chara and Asriel went downstairs to Dr.Gaster. Chara asks Dr.Gaster to do a stat check-up on (Y/N). They went down the elevator to another laboratory. (Y/N) felt uncomfortable because it made him remember the time in the sub-lab. Dr.Gaster notices this and apologizes to him. (Y/N) told him it didn't mind him that much since this laboratory is a bit brighter than the other.

They eventually made it to the room and they saw a giant machine and that made them a little overwhelmed just by the sheer size of the machine. Dr.Gaster says the reason why it's that big is because it has very precise stat readings and scans every single molecule and every bit of cells.

<It looks like the Determination extractor>

Dr.Gaster even used this on Sans and Papyrus when they were young. (Y/N), Chara and Asriel are surprised by this information. Dr.Gaster tells (Y/N) to go inside the machine to start the check-up.

(Y/N) goes inside and feels a little nervous. Dr.Gaster is preparing the machine and tells everyone, it will take at least 30 seconds. Before Dr.Gaster started the machine, he told (Y/N) to close his eyes. (Y/N) closes his eyes and the machine starts to scan (Y/N).



The machine took 1 minute. A few seconds later, everyone except for (Y/N) looks at the display.


Name: (Y/N)

Age: 15

Height: 170cm

Weight: 132.28lb

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Soul: Determination, Perseverance, Bravery, Kindness, Patience, Justice, Integrity and a monster soul

Soul condition: Stable

Emotional state: Happy

LV: 15

HP: 1'000/1'000

DEF: 500

ATK: 500

Gaster: "...Incredible. But something is not right. If I remember correctly (Y/N)'s HP seems accurate but his DEF and ATK do not, according to William's documents about (Y/N) and what he wanted (Y/N) to achieve"

Chara: "So I was right. I also assumed something didn't feel right about his stats"

Gaster: "Hmm... I am assuming you two want to see his true power?"

Chara and Asriel: "Yes"

Gaster: "Well sadly even I do not know his true power"

Asriel: "Then how are we going to know his true power?"

Gaster: "He will have to cross the barrier and go to the sub-lab and find William's documents about his previous experiments. He will also need to find documents about himself being the experimenter and what William's goal was for his stat or what he wanted to achieve. But knowing (Y/N) he will not cross the barrier once"

Chara and Asriel: "..."

Gaster: "Let's get him out of there"

Gaster let's (Y/N) out of the the machine

(Y/N): "So what were the results?"

Gaster: "Everything seemed normal but your DEF and ATK should've had a different number, Not that it's bad or anything but aside from that everything is fine"

(Y/N): "Cool... Hey is everything alright Gaster? You seem troubled with something I shouldn't know"

Gaster: "I..."

Chara: "The reason why he's troubled is because of how to obtain your true power. Remember when I said your DEF and ATK felt off?"

(Y/N): "Yes?"

Chara: "Well the only way to increase it which is getting your true power is if you cross the barrier and go to the sub-lab..."

(Y/N): "Gaster? Is what Chara said true?"

Gaster: "...yes"

(Y/N): "Heh... You already know me, Gaster. Enough to know that I won't be doing that"

Gaster: "Yes. That is true. But if you get curious and cross the barrier...?"

(Y/N): "Are you worried I'd get kidnapped again? Come on Gaster, William is dead. I killed him"

Gaster: "...right. But if you do decide to cross the barrier and go to the sub-lab, please let me know"

(Y/N): "Of course I will"

They talked for a while as they made their way out of the lab. When they got out they went to Grillby's because Asriel was hungry. They went inside and saw Sans on his stage making his jokes like any other comedian would.

Asriel ordered spaghetti and fries, Chara also ordered fries and (Y/N) ordered a pizza that he was going to share with Gaster. Grillby goes into the kitchen with their orders and will be finished around 20-30 minutes. While they waited Chara played on her phone while Asriel watched. (Y/N) and Gaster listens to Sans's jokes.

To be continued...

<I'M ALIIIIVE!!! Yo writing sucks ngl but I won't stop writing tho>

Female Frisk x Female Chara x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now