Chapter 16: A Moment in the Garden

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But just as it seemed they were about to be pulled through, a new presence intervened. A strong, mysterious force pushed back against the pull from William, saving (Y/N) and Chara.

A figure emerged from the shadows, blocking William's manipulative power. It was Sans. He held out a glowing blue eye, locking his gaze on William. 

Sans: "sorry, but you can't just mess with my friend's determination," Sans said with a grin.

William's eyes flickered to the side, a hint of surprise crossing his face. You followed his gaze and saw Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne rushing towards you, concern etched on their faces. 

Undyne snarled her spear at the ready. "You won't escape this time, you sicko!" 

Papyrus, always the optimist, chimed in, "Prepare to face the righteous fury of the Great Papyrus! Nyeh heh heh!" 

William's expression twisted with frustration as he realized he was no match for them. With a final taunting laugh, he disappeared, leaving (Y/N) and Chara safe but bewildered. 

Sans turned to (Y/N) and Chara, his expression softening. "you two alright?" 

(Y/N) nodded, still shaken. "Thanks, Sans. We didn't expect to see you here."


Your POV

(Y/N): "Wait, Sans. How did you know where to find us?"

Sans: "undyne, paps and i kinda overheard your convo with chara so we decided to follow you two. when you suddenly disappeared i knew what i had to do so i teleported us here and kept a distance so we wouldn't disturb you two"

Chara: "But why didn't you guys just come to us?"

Sans: "well..."

Undyne: "Paps heard you say the word "date" so he thought you punks were on a date and he didn't want to ruin the mood and also you punks were holding hands"

Undyne and Papyrus: "So is it true that you two are dating?"

(Y/N): "No we aren't dating... yet"

Chara: "Oh shut up and keep telling yourself that" She said as she hit your left shoulder 

(Y/N): "Ow (Chuckle)"

Sans and your friends shared a knowing look, and then Sans, with his trademark grin, chimed in.

Sans: "Well, kiddos, if you say so, but you might just be the only ones who don't see it"

Papyrus: "I must agree with Sans. The signs of your affection are as clear as a star in the night sky, even to me!"

Undyne: "Yeah, you two are practically glowing with that lovey-dovey aura!"

Chara rolled her eyes, and you couldn't help but laugh at your friends' teasing.

The tension from the encounter with William had dissipated entirely, replaced with a warm and light-hearted atmosphere.

Sans: "Anyway, we're just glad you're both safe. But let's head back to Snowdin, and maybe we can get some nice spaghetti at Grillby's to celebrate the non-date."

A few moments later before arriving at Snowdin

(Y/N): "Hey guys, Chara and I will go to our garden quickly. We'll be right back"

Sans grinned, his eye sockets narrowing mischievously.

Sans: "sure thing, kiddo. take your time. but don't forget, i've got my eye on you two lovebirds. no funny business in that garden, alright?"

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