Chapter 20: Threads of Destiny

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Chara: "Just promise me, no matter what you find up there, you'll come back to us."

(Y/N): "I promise, Chara. We're in this together, and I'll make it back. Now, let's see what secrets the sub-lab holds."

You approach the barrier, and with a deep breath, as you want to take a step through, you suddenly stop.

Chara: "Y/N? What's wrong?"

(Y/N): "There's something important I need to let you know before I go." You turn your body toward them, a serious expression on your face.

(Y/N): "Up there, time doesn't tick the same way as it does down here. What might feel like a short time for me could stretch out much longer for you."

Asriel: "Then just make a clone, one half here and the other on the other side."

(Y/N): "What?" You shoot a perplexed look at Chara, seeking an explanation from her, as she seems to understand Asriel's suggestion.

Chara: "Yeah, create a clone. Lay one half on the ground here and take the other with you. That way, we can keep track of time passing in both places."

(Y/N): "Actually, I want to try something." You quickly jump out and back in. As you return, you ask them how long you were gone for.

Chara: "11 seconds"

You proceed to create a clone, positioning it with half of the body out on the surface and the other half in the underground (Head facing the underground). Jumping out and in again, you realize the time difference has vanished as the clone effectively disrupts the temporal gap but you ask them the same question just to be sure.

Asriel: "1 second"

(Y/N): "Perfect. This way, we can stay connected without the time difference affecting us. Thanks for the brilliant idea, Asriel." With a nod of appreciation, Asriel says, "No problem. Take care up there, Y/N." You proceed to create another clone, this time facing the surface, and as you step out, you hear Chara's voice, "Y/N, please be careful. We'll be waiting for you here. Good luck, and come back to me soon." Chara's eyes reflect both concern and love as they send you off.


No one's POV

(Y/N) took a moment to gaze at the sunset, the vibrant colors painting the sky, and the cool breeze whispering tales of freedom. It was a world he was once part of, a place beyond the confines of the underground. However, his purpose here was not just to enjoy the scenery.

Shapeshifting into a hummingbird, (Y/N) soared through the sky, embracing the freedom of flight. He decided to pay a visit to his family's resting places. Before doing so, he stopped by a flower shop, reverting to his human form to purchase a bouquet of roses. He went to a place where nobody could see him so that he could teleport to the graveyard.

He knelt by each grave, sharing his thoughts, expressing how much he missed them, and updating them on his journey through the underground. With a heavy heart, he transformed back into a falcon and swiftly returned to the sub-lab.

To his surprise, the lab looked abandoned. The emptiness was an advantage; it meant he could move without being detected easily. A journey to William's office ensued, where (Y/N) ransacked the place, searching for experiment documents. Despite his efforts, the papers remained elusive.

An idea sparked in him: the van. Racing back to his home, he transformed into a peregrine falcon and quickly flew to the van. Discovering it still parked, he reverted to his human form and scoured the vehicle, finally laying his hands on the sought-after documents. Names of previous experiment subjects, including (Y/N)'s own, stared back at him.

Equipped with valuable information, (Y/N) skated to a nearby convenience store. Snacks for his friends and, of course, chocolate for Chara. After paying, (Y/N) skated back to his family's graves for one more visit, storing the longboard in his magical phone. The next destination: the barrier.

Crossing back into the underground, (Y/N) was greeted by the sight of Chara asleep on the floor, patiently awaiting his return. A gentle smile graced his face as he absorbed the clone. At that moment, he gained a snippet of their conversation, a connection that tied him closer to Chara. 

Carefully, (Y/N) lifted Chara into his arms, heading to the shared bedroom. There, amidst the quiet slumber, Asriel rested as well. Placing Chara on her bed. As (Y/N) enters the living room he unpacks the snacks and documents. The room held an air of warmth, a sanctuary of love and memories.

Taking out his phone, (Y/N) sent a message to Gaster, notifying him of his return. As he delved into the documents, shock and surprise etched across his face. The revelations on those pages hinted at an unexpected turn of events.

Meanwhile, a girl walking home from school witnessed a mysterious scene. Someone shapeshifted from a peregrine falcon to a human and disappeared inside a van. Intrigued, the girl waited behind a nearby tree, hoping to catch another glimpse. 

As minutes ticked by without a reappearance, curiosity overpowered caution. She cautiously approached the van, half-expecting the mysterious individual to emerge. To her surprise, the van stood empty, leaving her with a sense of wonder and a thirst for answers. Fueled by the desire to understand this enigma and connect with someone who shared her extraordinary ability, the girl made a bold decision — she would embark on a journey to Mt. Ebott.

Shapeshifting into a hummingbird, she soared to the mountain and discovered a large hole, seemingly an entrance to the mysterious underground world. With unwavering determination, she descended into the depths below. As she descended, she encountered a captivating girl (Chara), who looked just as confused as she felt. The two locked eyes, setting the stage for an unexpected encounter.

To be continued...

<This chapter feels a little too short... Imma try to make the next chapter a little longer cuz jeez 950 ish words is really short for a chapter. Anyway, I FINALLY GOT FRISK IN THE STORY!!!>

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