Chapter 10: Are you okay?

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(Y/N): "❄︎☟︎✋︎💧︎ ❄︎✌︎💧︎❄︎☜︎ ✌︎💣︎✌︎☪︎✋︎☠︎☝︎✏︎ (This tastes amazing!)" As I look at him and smile. Grillby was surprised.

Grillby: "✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 👍︎✌︎☠︎ 💧︎🏱︎☜︎✌︎😐︎ 🕈︎✋︎☠︎☝︎👎︎✋︎☠︎☝︎💧︎✍︎✏︎ (You can speak wingdings?!)" He replied.

We talked for a while and Grillby enjoyed our conversation because it was the first time in a long time since he spoke to someone new who could understand wingdings which I can understand why. Wingdings is a harsh language to communicate.

After you finished your food you thanked Grillby for the food. You went outside and finally went home for real this time. You get inside and no one seems to be home, so you lie on the couch and play Project Sekai.

After playing for around an hour you stopped playing and came up with an idea. You remembered the statue that played a lovely song so you sat straight up and created a guitar out of magic. You tried to play the song from memory. After a few minutes, you went back to Waterfall to go to the statue that played the song. You listen to the music again a few times and tried to play along. 

Time Skip   <I'm lazy and I'm sorry because my brain is empty>

After playing along for quite some time you take your phone out to check the time and it's been an hour. So you decide to go back home. You absorb your guitar and walk back to Snowdin. While walking home you see some monsters looking at you. You have gotten used to it a little but you still feel awkward.

You created a headphone and connected it to your phone and you listen to some music. You arrived at Snowdin and you were almost home then a song starts playing and it sounds very familiar to you. That's when you realize it was your father's favorite song. You slowly start to tear up so you ran to your house and went straight for your room. 

You sat on your bed and leaned against the wall and hugged your legs close and rested your head on your knees. You quietly cried as you listened to your father's favorite song. He would always play this song first before he would start playing something else in his office where he would create his own music. After the song finishes you take off your headphones and turned off your music playlist, and a bunch of memories of your family start to flow into your mind. You had almost forgotten that all of your family are dead. You had almost forgotten how much you have missed them. Their laughs, joy, and everything. You missed it so much. You cried even more. Your heart hurts. Your throat is starting to hurt as well. But you are still crying quietly. 

You took your phone and checked the time. Apparently, you have been crying for over 2 hours. You feel tired because you cried for too long. You got up and decided to go to the bathroom to wash your face. Before you went out of your room you hoped that no one would be home. You got out and went to the bathroom and you got downstairs you heard the door so you quickly rushed to the bathroom and locked the door.

You didn't get to see who came in but ignored it. You turn on the sink and washed your face. After washing your face you looked at the mirror and your face looks a bit better than before. You get out of the bathroom and see Sans laying on the couch and looking at his phone.

Sans: "sup"

(Y/N): "H-hey Sans" I kinda struggled to say because my throat still hurts. 

Sans: "you doin' alright?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. I'm doing alright..." I said as I sat down on the chair that was facing the stairs.

Sans: "are you sure about that? the moment i came in i saw you rushing to the bathroom as if you didn't want to get caught at midnight trying to get a snack from the fridge"

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