Chapter 3: Skele-bros

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Sans: "hey gaster. i see you have a human with you. who's he?"

Gaster: "This is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Sans. My son"

(Y/N): "Your son?"

Gaster: "Yes, I made him. He's an artificial monster. As well as Papyrus who you will meet soon"

Sans: "hey take a seat. i bet your legs are bone-tired"

*Badum-tss. Everyone in the restaurant laughed at Sans's joke. Including Gaster and you. You and Gaster took a seat.

Sans: "whaddya want?"

(Y/N): "What? What do you mean?"

Sans: "i'll order. we have burgers and fries"

Gaster: "That is the only food they have here" He whispers to me.

(Y/N): "Uhm I'll have the burger" I said with a smile.

Sans: "gaster?"

Gaster: "I'm fine thank you"

Sans: "hey grillbs. two burgers and some fries please"

*Grillby walks into the kitchen to get your order.

Gaster: "Sans"

Sans: "i'm not leaving you out. you can have the fries if you want. so. (y/n). how did you end up here in the underground?"

(Y/N): "Long story short. I got kidnapped and got experimented on. Years later we went back to the surface to make me more powerful by killing people. But I killed the person who experimented on me... and the person who killed my family... And a couple of months later I jumped down here thinking I could die from that fall but. I have too much HP."

Sans: "...i'm sorry you had to go through that buddy"

(Y/N): "It's okay Sans. It's all in the past now. Besides, I'm starting to like this place now. My family probably wants me to move on by now. I'm sure they don't want me to see me like this"

Sans: "uhh if you don't mind me asking, you can refuse to tell me if you're uncomfortable with it. what did you do before you fell here?"

(Y/N): "Well I would visit their graves every day. When it rained I hold two umbrellas for them and talk to them about the old times before I got kidnapped. I would tell them how much I missed them, how much I loved them. They were everything to me" I said as I started to tear up a bit but I held it in. "U-uhm sometimes I would take my guitar and play some music for them. After a month I tried to move on so I tried some other things like cooking. My mom used to teach me how to cook a-and I quickly learned how to cook. But I still couldn't move on and I still can't forget about them. I-I would also cry until i fall asleep every day because they a-are all dead..." I started to shake up and Gaster noticed it and he put his left arm over my left shoulder.

Gaster: "Not all of them. I am still here for you"

(Y/N): "Yeah. You're right. I still have you" I looked at Sans and his pupils are gone. "Uhm Sans? Are you okay?"

Sans: "...yeah. it's just that you have been through a lot. hey, you said you tried to move on right? I'd suggest you talk with chara"

(Y/N): "Oh. Well, I think Chara doesn't want to talk to me. I don't know why though"

Sans: "oh right. she doesn't trust humans. said that she was treated as if she wasn't a normal human but don't ask me why. she never told anyone the reason why even the prince. maybe she'll tell you if you share your story like what you did before"

*After that Grillby comes with your and Sans's order.

Sans: "here comes the grub. want some ketchup?"

Female Frisk x Female Chara x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now